Tuesday, June 28, 2011

{trying to be} a more mindful parent

So I told myself I wasn't going to go into any rants or deep sharing but I think once and a while I likely will - so go ahead and skip this post if you aren't interested - I won't even know...


Lately Isabelle has been becoming more independent, strong-willed, and clearly identifies what she wants and what she doesn't want (what is a good word for that...?).  Which in turn translates into: "I want to zip my coat"... and 45 minutes later still in the doctors waiting room sitting there patiently anxiously encouraging her to try again, "I need to wear my jelly shoes in the house"...even though we always take our shoes off at the door and I watch her stomp all the dirt out of her shoes on my *clean floor, and "I don't like pants I want to wear a dress with a skirt under it"...translating to she will only wear 1/8 of the clothes she has.

And while these things may not seem to be a big deal - and well they aren't - they tire me out and I become a less mindful parent.  I say things like "let me just do it", "if you wear those shoes in the house I'm taking them away forever", and "Isabelle if you don't put on the clothing now I'm taking away X".  (It should also be noted that I don't exactly say these things sweetly...rather just the opposite) Instead I am trying to work on re-phrasing..."Let's try to zip it up together or that first part is really hard maybe we could do it together", "see mommy take her shoes off, lets take them off together... if not lets go back outside and play a bit more", and "let's both get dressed - here is the outfit we picked out together last night...".

All these things seem easy enough right?  Wrong, for me anyways - sometimes I get so caught up in the whirl wind of transitioning back from work, making dinner, cleaning, etc that I lose myself and my ability to be mindful and respectful to Isabelle.  I want her to be independent, strong-willed, and a know what she wants type of girl.

And why am I sharing this?  Firstly, because it is 4:00 in the morning and I woke up thinking about it and well I suppose maybe one way to begin this journey of mindful parenting is to admit and own the way I have been parenting and share the way I hope to parent.  I don't mean to sound like I think I'm the worst parent in the world or that I don't practice mindful parenting (I don't think that), I think I can be better- more supportive, patient, less rushed, and to let Isabelle be Isabelle.

So what is the plan?  To really listen with love to what Isabelle's needs are, read some suggested books, talk to other parents, take deep breaths and compose myself, remind myself that I am my child's first teacher, maybe some meditation in there...not quite sure yet what the exact plan is...but I need to get my "parenting-self" in check.

goal: more of this (picture taken last year)

Monday, June 27, 2011

adjusting back to Idaho

The past week has been full of catching up on much needed rest, work & family time.  Our travels from RI to Idaho ended up being a whopping 17.5 hours door to door.  It was ugly.  Isabelle did great, I was the one who was anxious, tired, and maybe slightly grumpy...

Either way we are home in Idaho and happy - the weather is beautiful, we have been enjoying veggies from the garden, afternoon walks, and even a trip to Elk River Falls this weekend for a little hiking.

tofu & garden broccoli stir fry

walking with daddy

still lots of pretty wildflowers

a happy hiker

checking out the falls

In baby updates I am now 17 weeks in and have just started to feel the little flutters of baby feet and arms - Isabelle is still convince it is a girl (in her own words "I need a girl").  We have seen so many new babies over the past few weeks and each one of them reminds me of how excited I am to have another.  

Monday, June 20, 2011

a graduation party and another beach day

Sunday we celebrated Dylan's high school graduation the only way we know how...by eating ourselves silly.  Mini pulled pork sandwiches, hamburger sliders, baked beans (in an old Durphy family bean pot), coleslaw, potato salad, chocolate cupcakes, and more strawberry shortcake! We are all so proud of Dylan...our waist line is reflecting our happiness!!  In addition to eating we spent the day with family and caught up on the latest family gossip.

Dylan with his pinata-a family tradition: in celebration of ones accomplishment we smash their heads in

mom preparing the cupcakes

isabelle tired of painting herself and moving onto a fresh palate (great grammy)

Isabelle & Mia (I think Mia was in the midst of bieber trivia..)

cousin Mia, growing taller & more beautiful by the minute

the newest addition to the family: Samuel Michael Megrew (just one week old)
so cute!

me, content, belly full

And today, Monday, we spent our last full day digesting, relaxing, eating leftovers, and sinking our toes into the sand.

walking to the beach


grampy & isabelle building fancy castles

Tomorrow we are heading back to Moscow - bittersweet - we are ready to be home with Aaron and get back into our daily rhythms but it is always sad to leave RI and the love that surrounds us here.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June in RI

fresh picked from Manfretti's

I have pretty much checked everything off my food list...now all thats left is my moms barbecue food - which ends up being anything anyone suggests - and Brickley's bing cherry ice cream.  Here are a few snaps of some of the deliciousness I have had my way with...

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photo-22     IMG_5633

clockwise (starting at top left) breakfast at crazy burger, pastries from the bakery (charlestown), Ocean View (the regular order), and homemade strawberry shortcake (made with those fresh picked strawberries from above)

We also had lots of fun visiting with Nana & GG and Aunt Melanie & Uncle Todd.  We enjoyed lobster and strawberry shortcake (my requested birthday meal).

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IMG_5640      IMG_5632
GG & Nana @ OV, Playing outside w/ auntie Mel & Uncle Todd, and familiar friend the lillie leaf beetle...

Today we are celebrating Dylan's graduation in true MacGlaflin form - lots of food, a homemade pinata with dylan's face painted on it, and family.  Hopefully I can manage to take some better photos today.

Last but not least I would like to wish two very special men in my life a very special father's day....you are both my heroes.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


The past few days have been pretty low key.  Visiting some friends and family and a day at the beach.  Monday night we went to my brother Dylan's high school graduation (yay!) and Tuesday we visited with friends at Small Axe and my grandparents.  Isabelle had so much fun chasing the new baby ducks at the Umbrella Factory and exploring the gardens.  Our friends have recently taken over the ownership and are doing amazing things with the place!!

Can I pick one up mama...

Later that day we went to CT to visit my grandparents.  After a quick cat nap during the car ride over she was full of energy and after a few minutes she instantly made friends with great grampy.  They played  with her new marble - and in a most classic accent my grandpa would snatch that marble and say "got your mahhhble"!

Isabelle hiding the marble behind her back

And yesterday the sun finally broke free from the clouds and rain and we made it to the beach.  It was lovely.  Isabelle loves the water, the sand, and crushing newly built sand castles.

laying in the sand

Grampy (pre-back spasm...) & Isabelle

Grammy & Isabelle

Yesterday afternoon Isabelle and I also visited with my dear friend Elin and her cutest baby in the world Malik.  We met them at the Umbrella Factory where we had a delicious late lunch at the new Small Axe Cafe (where my mom previously had her cafe).  I had the soup and sandwich combo and it was really yummy - homemade bread and all.  If you are in Charlestown I strongly recommend popping into the Umbrella Factory - they are doing a great job beatifying the property, the shops are buzzing with hip stuff, and the food is great.

And now, Thursday morning, we are off for some breakfast at Crazy Burger....yum!

Monday, June 13, 2011

and the food binge begins....

Saturday morning I made it to Providence by bus from Manchester and well since we were in the area.... we made a few stops at two favorite spots.  First we went to Not Just Snacks (they don't have a website that's how good they are..).  I had the mutton curry (per usual) and Isabelle even enjoyed her first samosa.  It was also my parents first Indian food experience... I think I converted the skeptics!

salivating just looking at it...no marrow bones though... leave it to a newbie like my dad to get one I could stick my thumb through...hmph

veggie samosa (and some bunny crackers...)

And since we were in the neighborhood and my parents had never been to Seven Stars Bakery we decided to pop in to fill our bellies with some delicious baked goodies.  My parents both had the sticky buns, Isabelle a chocolate chip cookie, and I.... a chocolate croissant.  Needless to say I was full beyond comprehension before we headed into Seven Stars and ended up in a food coma for the rest of the day.  

not sure what Isabelle's look is for... I may have suggested she needed help eating a cookie the size of her face...

Yesterday, I spent the day with my lovely lady friend Kelly and her beautiful baby girl Noa.  We headed up to Grafton, Ma to visit our friends Jeff & Carolyn who are starting up Potter Hill Farm.  Visit the site, it is great and we are all super excited for them and this experience.  And at some point we are all going to quit our jobs and work on Jeff's farm some day.  Seriously.  I have to apologize I took no pictures of the day - but it was great.

Unfortunately all the nice weather was used up last week (when I wasn't in RI) so I am currently hoping for some sunshine and some decent beach days.  And if the weather doesn't improve then I can always find somewhere to eat...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We made it!

Just a quick post- we made it to Manchester, NH Sunday evening.  It was a long, very long, day.  We had a 3 1/2 hour layover in Las Vegas followed by a 5 hour flight to NH...yuck.  Isabelle did great - well as good as any 3 year old does on a long plane trip.  When we got to Vegas she decided all she wanted to do was run back and forth on the moving walkways... and so that is what we did for 2 hours... literally.  Some people smiled, some laughed, and some looked at me like  I had 5 heads - and that was ok because after I got this for 3 hours....

I even picked her up and buckled her into her plane seat and she was still out... lovely

Grammy & Grampy were all smiles and waves at the airport to pick us up and Isabelle was equally happy to see them - and for me... I was just tired.  That night my parents stayed at the hotel I am staying at for my meeting and we went for a quick bite to eat at the Red Arrow Diner.  It was pretty good, apparently famous in these parts - all I wanted to eat was poached eggs and hollandaise sauce but alas...pregnancy... so I had an ok veggie hash with fully cooked eggs.  What is the fun of breakfast if you can't have runny eggs?

After breakfast Isabelle happily left me in the dust to be with grammy & grampy for the next week.... I can't imagine I will have anything really to post about until I see them again, unless they send me some photos - so a short break until I see my little dumpling this weekend.

Looking forward to my bus trip to providence...mutton curry...thai style vegetarian shrimp...fritters...chowder...the beach...and spending time with family and friends! ....no order of importance implied...;)

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Yesterday was Isabelle's big day!  We tried to keep things pretty simple.  A handful of close friends we new she played really well with, easy wholesome foods, and no gifts = no breakdowns (perfect!).  She had tons of fun playing with her friends, eating spaghetti & meatballs, and purple cake.  Unfortunately I left my camera inside for most of the celebration but managed to capture a few images and some video...maybe I will try to upload video at some point... no promises.

Isabelle wasn't interested in her birthday dress after she received a hello kitty shirt for her birthday...who could blame her?

Isabelle and Maggie taking a stroll in the wagon.

yes...purple frosting with homemade confetti cake...
the cake vanilla cake recipe was from smitten kitchen with a handful of confetti sprinkles tossed in, I can't say I was a huge fan...could have been me but I thought the texture was too crumbly.  
The frosting just a basic buttercream.

Isabelle's new birthday ornament (a bunny) and the big 3...

And now we are packing and getting ready to fly back east... we are SO excited!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Today is Isabelle's last day of being two (*pout).  In honor of 2 we pulled out her birthday ring and put in that 2 one last time.  Today we are reflecting and preparing.  Reflecting on the past year and preparing for the next (not to mention preparing for a small birthday celebration tomorrow and a trip home- YAY!).  We are continually amazed by Is and how much she has grown in the past year.  She is silly, sassy, and a big love and we love every little bit of her.


So today we are cleaning, baking a cake (with purple frosting...), finishing up her birthday dress, and maybe even a little packing.