a mirror = 15 minutes of a peaceful & awake 2 week old baby
Friday, December 30, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
the more i look between the two the more differences and similarities i see...
i think it is safe to say owen looks like owen...
and some toes....because i just can't resist them
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
3 "firsts"
I'm not sure if we were supposed to remember all of Isabelle's "firsts"...I mean I remember the first car ride and bath and so on... but to be honest it is all a little foggy. And I can only imagine that in three years all these little moments will be just as foggy. But for now we get to enjoy the novelties of a newborn all over again and be thankful for our big girl that does so many things on her own.
first cloth diaper butt
first ride in car
Friday, December 23, 2011
a sister has a brother
As expected this past week has been slightly challenging with Isabelle. Especially yesterday - coupled with a momma that got 2 hours of sleep the night before and an Isabelle that woke up at 5 a.m. ....well things got a little ugly (maybe alot). We don't expect Isabelle to understand and be able to cope with all the changes happening around here... because in her world everything has pretty much changed. One thing I was most worried about was how she would interact with Owen - would her worries about all the change manifest in how she felt about Owen?... So far (and yes I know it has only been a week)...I can happily say that she simply adores Owen just as much as we do. She loves to pat his head, give him kisses, help with diapering, washing, and feeding, and most of all she loves to play with his baby toys with him.

playing with the caterpillar rattle
grabbing sister's hand
sneaking kisses
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
a story
Well... where to begin. Only fitting to start the evening before really....
Aaron and I went to my ultrasound appointment (which was scheduled to due babies lateness) at 5:30 p.m.... the ultrasound went great - my amniotic fluids were spot on and baby scored an 8 of 8 on all things scored (I can't remember all of them). Sigh! We were both relieved that everything seemed to be so comfortable for baby in there and that just must be why he needed to camp out for 10 or more days. After the ultrasound Aaron and I decided to get a bite to eat and even maybe see a movie (Isabelle was with my mom in RI....wow a night on the town for us!). We tried a mexican place close to the hospital, which turned out to be pretty good for mexican in NH, and both ordered burritos. I thought to myself...I hope I don't have this baby tomorrow...It will be one stinky birth (sign # 1). After dinner we decided we were both way to full to see the movie and that tomorrow would be a better night anyways (sign # 2). By the time we got home I was exhausted and Aaron decided to do a little work before bed... we abandoned our nightly ritual of cleaning up just in case the baby decided to come (sign #3).
SO yes...we ignored all the signs... and you know what happens next. At about 3:30 a.m. I got up to go potty for the zillionth time and right then and there (on the potty) my water broke! I really couldn't believe it, I just imagined I would start with contractions and the water would break after but nope...I was wrong! I yelled to Aaron to get my glasses and that I thought my water had broke...I have never seen him get out of bed so quick! We promptly called the midwife to let her know my water broke but I hadn't had a contraction yet and she said..."go back to bed"...hmph...not what I wanted to hear. We tried to go back to sleep but we were both so anxious that we were both up and moving about ten minutes later. Soon enough my contractions started...and then the fun started. It was all pretty much text book after that. The contractions started out 10 minutes apart and were only lasting about 30 seconds...but it didn't take long for them to come faster and last longer.
At about 7:30 things started to get intense. We called Cindy (our midwife) back and told her that things seemed to be moving along. I was still unsure how long labour would take but we decided that it would be best if she started to get her things together to come (she lives about 45 minutes away). At this point we were still pretty relaxed about it...expecting things to go for another few hours. But things shortly started to get really really intense. I ended up finding myself in the bathroom (our very very tiny bathroom) and the most comfortable position I could get in was on my knees and my elbows on the tub.
I could tell things were moving faster than expected and started to do anything I could to not push. Which if you've done this before you know where I am...baby's head was moving down and all I wanted to do was push...and my midwife wasn't there yet - better yet I heard her call Aaron for our address (in my brain: WHAT THE _______...insert all horrible profanities here). So I focused and let my body do what it was doing but I did everything I could to not "push" it along. At the same time Aaron knew where things were going and quickly pulled up a website on delivering babies and started pacing from the window to see if the midwife was here, back to the bedroom to read the webpage, and then back to me - trying to convince me to slow down my breath, telling me I was doing a great job, and replacing a cold towel on my neck for every contraction. We were both at the point where we were really getting worried that we were going to do this alone (of course none of this was discussed it was just thick in the air).
At 9:00 Cindy arrived - thank goodness. Just in the nick of time...I couldn't hold out much longer. I heard her come in and say "oh I hear pushing noises" and she ran back to her car to get her things. By the time she got set up I was pushing. And at 9:25 little Owen was born, right there in the bathroom, with Aaron crammed on one side and Cindy in the doorway. When his head came out his umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his neck twice, which Cindy was able to loosen in between the head and body coming out...but left him slightly limp and blue upon delivery. As soon as he came out he was swooped up to my chest where I gave him a few pats before he choked out his very first cough and cry. I rolled back on my butt and just stared in amazement - it all felt so surreal.
Soon after the placenta was delivered and I was cleaned up and carried by Aaron and Cindy to my bed. I lay there, in my bed, holding my new baby in such a fog of baby love. He was so alert...within a few minutes he was already nudging around looking for a bite to eat. For the next hour Aaron and I just soaked up the moment, made the necessary phone calls, and swooned. Cindy wrote up her report and cleaned up in the other room. When Cindy came back into the bedroom she checked the baby - weight, measurements, and general appearance and health of baby. Soon after she was going over our "afterbirth care instruction sheet" and as soon as she was done with that she gave me a big hug and kiss and left.
Aaron and I went to my ultrasound appointment (which was scheduled to due babies lateness) at 5:30 p.m.... the ultrasound went great - my amniotic fluids were spot on and baby scored an 8 of 8 on all things scored (I can't remember all of them). Sigh! We were both relieved that everything seemed to be so comfortable for baby in there and that just must be why he needed to camp out for 10 or more days. After the ultrasound Aaron and I decided to get a bite to eat and even maybe see a movie (Isabelle was with my mom in RI....wow a night on the town for us!). We tried a mexican place close to the hospital, which turned out to be pretty good for mexican in NH, and both ordered burritos. I thought to myself...I hope I don't have this baby tomorrow...It will be one stinky birth (sign # 1). After dinner we decided we were both way to full to see the movie and that tomorrow would be a better night anyways (sign # 2). By the time we got home I was exhausted and Aaron decided to do a little work before bed... we abandoned our nightly ritual of cleaning up just in case the baby decided to come (sign #3).
SO yes...we ignored all the signs... and you know what happens next. At about 3:30 a.m. I got up to go potty for the zillionth time and right then and there (on the potty) my water broke! I really couldn't believe it, I just imagined I would start with contractions and the water would break after but nope...I was wrong! I yelled to Aaron to get my glasses and that I thought my water had broke...I have never seen him get out of bed so quick! We promptly called the midwife to let her know my water broke but I hadn't had a contraction yet and she said..."go back to bed"...hmph...not what I wanted to hear. We tried to go back to sleep but we were both so anxious that we were both up and moving about ten minutes later. Soon enough my contractions started...and then the fun started. It was all pretty much text book after that. The contractions started out 10 minutes apart and were only lasting about 30 seconds...but it didn't take long for them to come faster and last longer.
rosti - swiss potato pancakes Aaron made for us while I was in early labor
I could tell things were moving faster than expected and started to do anything I could to not push. Which if you've done this before you know where I am...baby's head was moving down and all I wanted to do was push...and my midwife wasn't there yet - better yet I heard her call Aaron for our address (in my brain: WHAT THE _______...insert all horrible profanities here). So I focused and let my body do what it was doing but I did everything I could to not "push" it along. At the same time Aaron knew where things were going and quickly pulled up a website on delivering babies and started pacing from the window to see if the midwife was here, back to the bedroom to read the webpage, and then back to me - trying to convince me to slow down my breath, telling me I was doing a great job, and replacing a cold towel on my neck for every contraction. We were both at the point where we were really getting worried that we were going to do this alone (of course none of this was discussed it was just thick in the air).
At 9:00 Cindy arrived - thank goodness. Just in the nick of time...I couldn't hold out much longer. I heard her come in and say "oh I hear pushing noises" and she ran back to her car to get her things. By the time she got set up I was pushing. And at 9:25 little Owen was born, right there in the bathroom, with Aaron crammed on one side and Cindy in the doorway. When his head came out his umbilical cord was wrapped tightly around his neck twice, which Cindy was able to loosen in between the head and body coming out...but left him slightly limp and blue upon delivery. As soon as he came out he was swooped up to my chest where I gave him a few pats before he choked out his very first cough and cry. I rolled back on my butt and just stared in amazement - it all felt so surreal.
moments after arrival
back in bed...only 6 hours later
baby getting checked out
getting weighed
(note Sid in the background...he doesn't miss a beat)
and there we were... at home with our new baby....
So things happened a little different than I thought they would...a bit faster than I anticipated, Isabelle wasn't there, I didn't get that water birth I had wanted, and I didn't gaze out to the lake with each contraction to find utter relaxation (hah)... it just happened exactly the way it was supposed to.
Thank you all so much again for your warm thoughts - we felt all of them.
Caitlyn, Aaron, Isabelle & Owen
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
baby boy
born December 16, 2011 at 9:25 a.m.
weighing in at 7 lbs 12 oz & 20 inches long
(name.....still workin on it)
a name, story, and more to come...
for now we are swooning with love over our new baby brother
Friday, December 16, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
belly snuggle
Today my mom and Isabelle will head down to RI for a few days... with the holidays quickly approaching and my moms to do list growing longer and longer we all felt it was best for her to get back down to RI to catch up on a few things. Before they headed down Isabelle gave the baby lots of snuggles and gently knocked on my belly and whispered "ok... baby its time to come out now" - isn't that how we all feel?!
Lots of R&R for me over the next few days and whispers to the baby that it is indeed going to be time to come out sooner than later.
Lots of R&R for me over the next few days and whispers to the baby that it is indeed going to be time to come out sooner than later.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
my favorite 6 a.m. date
Many times I grumble my way out of bed with Isabelle as she anxiously awaits to start her day. But some mornings, when I am lucky... I realize and embrace all the love and excitement she holds for the day, her life, and me.
bowls filled with frozen berries and a tiny spoonful of brown sugar await oats simmered in milk
Quick baby update - no baby yet (obviously), at midwives appointment yesterday the baby sounded great. I am now 41 weeks and I will get an ultrasound on Thursday to ensure all things are going well with baby. The baby moved its position slightly, just sort of shifted sides...so I will be doing lots of cats & dogs to coax the baby back over to the left... and if for some reason the baby doesn't come by next Monday I will go in for a stress test at the hospital and we will take their advice from there on whether or not I will need to be induced. I am trying to remain positive and trust that my body will do what it is suppose to...but for now at least plan B is set. Please keep sending all those positive thoughts!
Sunday, December 11, 2011
the elf in the box
So, some of you may heard about this book called the "Elf on the Shelf" by Aebersold and Bell. It is a cute christmas story about an elf that keeps tabs on whether you are being good or bad and he then reports to Santa every night by flying to the north pole...only to be hiding in a new spot (the idea is that the child gets to find him every morning). I had heard about the book a year or two ago and decided that it might be a cute tradition for us to take out each year - not to mention the little elf that the book comes with reminds me of the elves that have topped my family tree (and grandmother's when she was still with us) for years -we never did the star thing.
the elf in the box...
The other day while doing some shopping grammy generously decided to buy us the book and elf set for Isabelle this year... and from the beginning there was skepticism. When we talked about it in the store and asked Isabelle if she thought this was a good idea she promptly said ..."ummm, I don't think so"... (I snorted from laughing so hard that everyone in the store must have been looking at me...). Thinking that with a little more explanation and talking about it she might change her mind... we persevered and brought the book/elf home. And well, the elf (that Isabelle has named Larry) is still in the box. We have all tried to convince her that it might be fun and that the Elf will never mysteriously end up in her room and that even if she is a little "naughty" that it is ok... sometimes it is hard for our body to not act a certain way...and that Santa (and mommy & daddy) will always understand. But nope...the elf will remain in the box until she is ready.
I suppose I can't blame her... a little toy elf that watches her all day...wakes up in the middle of the night...flies to the north pole....reports to santa...and then comes back every morning... sounds sort of scary to me too.
maybe next year....
Friday, December 9, 2011
still crafting...
I know my days are numbered in the crafting realm... today my mom and I finished making our christmas yo yo garlands and while I napped my mom made peanut butter kiss cookies. I woke up to a chocolate peanut butter breath Isabelle whispering in my ear "we made cookies and they are delicious!"...
I suppose I can't say it enough but it has been wonderful having my mom around this week, even though we anticipated she would be here to help with the baby and Isabelle's adjustment to becoming a big sister, we have thoroughly enjoyed her company this week....she has been a perfect distraction - cooking, cleaning, and attending to both Isabelle and myself... I think we are both equally needy right now:).
I'm still feeling really well...I think last week the anticipation of a "due date" really did me in...now I'm just relaxing and enjoying the ride. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
carefully unwrapping all the kisses
(this is about when I slipped into the living room for a quick nap)
(what a wonderful thing to wake to right?!)
yo yo's
holiday cheer brought to the kitchen
lots of fun means lots of tired snuggles at the end of a good day
I'm still feeling really well...I think last week the anticipation of a "due date" really did me in...now I'm just relaxing and enjoying the ride. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
glitter me crazy
Two posts in one day...I am really trying to kill time...
Today we spent much of the day crafting up a storm... Nana had given Isabelle some glitter glue pens and paint along with some ornaments for decorating that we decided to break out and grammy and I got our fabric yo-yo skills on...:)! We also collected some greens and pine cones and bedazzled them with glitter too.... why not right... glitter is sooo much fun!
Today we spent much of the day crafting up a storm... Nana had given Isabelle some glitter glue pens and paint along with some ornaments for decorating that we decided to break out and grammy and I got our fabric yo-yo skills on...:)! We also collected some greens and pine cones and bedazzled them with glitter too.... why not right... glitter is sooo much fun!
busy hands
glittered pine cones
glittered ornaments
a crafty table
fabric yo yos...destined to another holiday garland...yay!
if the baby holds out one more day we get to go to JoAnnes Fabric with coupons in hand tomorrow...
is it wrong to hope for this?
the late cake
Well, now we are three days past my "guess date" (formerly known as due date) - a term I will thank Melissa for... you are right...it is totally an estimation and not something to get caught up in...or so I am trying not to get caught up in. And what better way to pass the time is to bake a cake. Yesterday we thumbed through my mothers ancient Hershey's Chocolate Factory baking book. A book that is falling apart, pages stuck together, notes scribbled on the side...and you know just by the texture of the page and the stains which are the best..tried and true recipes. She brought it up because I had been craving peanut butter kiss cookies but hey...why not make a cake too...
you can hardly make out the scribbled but it says "double"...
(as in they are devoured within a day)
Instead of doing a tried a true recipe, the chocolate marble chiffon cake caught my eye...I'm not too sure why. Anyways we made it and unfortunately my 2 days late preggo brain forgot the salt...waah waah waah. It is ok... but not as good as it would be with that tsp of salt that was forgotten.
known forever more as "the late cake"
Thanks again for all of your thoughts and keep them coming
- baby will have to come out sooner or later!
Monday, December 5, 2011
December 5th has come and still no baby...there are still a few hours but I think it is safe to say baby won't be coming today. But he or she is coming... my body is feeling the weight, the irregular contraction like rushes, and the fatigue that I think go along with being 40 weeks pregnant. So, now... now we just will patiently wait until this baby decides to make its grand entrance. And I hope you will be patient with me and my lack of posts!
Keep sending those positive thoughts... we are feeling them all
and will let you know when it is time to light your candle
Saturday, December 3, 2011
dear turkey,
Thank you.
the last of the turkey...yum
~turkey pot pie~
the pinkish hugh is from leftover roasted veggies (including beets...)
Friday, December 2, 2011
a list of needs
Today started with a lot of needs... from both Isabelle and Mommy. Isabelle needed to play blocks with me immediately this morning... so instead of dropping the morning routine I decided that we should make a list of what we each "needed" to do. I wanted to acknowledge Isabelle's needs but not address them immediately...I was still drinking my morning tea...
The garlands are something Isabelle and I made together last year, both the fall and winter ones, by wet felting balls and stars and then stringing them onto yarn with bells and other fun things. The fall garlands were made with felt balls, dried cinnamon and applesauce cookies (that still smell so good), and old beads and buttons. We also put up the felt christmas tree banner we made yesterday...
our morning lists of "needs"
And this is what we came up with and we talked about how each of the needs on both list are equally important (some advice shared with me by my friend Rebekka... try to identify and meet needs). It seemed to help the urgency she had for needing me to play and am thinking this tactic could come in handy in the near future.
One of my favorite items on the list was putting up christmas/winter ornaments and decorations. We decided this year that we would wait until baby arrives to pick out a Christmas tree this year...usually it is the weekend after Thanksgiving or soon after... I am a sucker for holiday cheer... the music, lights, the piney smell, etc. And since we have to wait for the tree and I am getting the itch of holiday seasons today we decided to take down the fall garlands and decorations and break out our winter ones.
I absolutely love taking the time to make something with Isabelle I know I will take out every year and know that I will cherish these items for many many years. Each garland or banner reminds me of time spent with Isabelle or the friends we spent time with while making them.
Oh and here is a picture of my granola bars from yesterday...they came out PERFECT!
Thursday, December 1, 2011
granola bars
Happy December 1st! I have recently had 2 people remind me to post our granola bar recipe and have finally got the energy to make and post them...So the original recipe can be found here....but my version is the following:
2 1/2 cups rolled oats
2 cups rice puff cereal (or rice crispies)
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 stick of butter
1/2 cup of honey
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups of goodness...ours usually consists of 1 cup chocolate chips, 1/2 cup craisens & 1/2 cup of nuts (chopped walnuts and/or peanuts)
*I have also used coconut, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, dried cherry, raisens, etc...the sky is really the limit
Assembly of these ingredients is crucial to the outcome....
Preheat your oven to 325. Combine all dry ingrediants and mix well. Melt butter and add to honey and vanilla, mix well.
Pour wet into dry and mix well, you don't want anything to look dry.

2 cups rice puff cereal (or rice crispies)
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp baking soda
1 stick of butter
1/2 cup of honey
1 tsp vanilla
2 cups of goodness...ours usually consists of 1 cup chocolate chips, 1/2 cup craisens & 1/2 cup of nuts (chopped walnuts and/or peanuts)
*I have also used coconut, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, dried cherry, raisens, etc...the sky is really the limit
Assembly of these ingredients is crucial to the outcome....
Preheat your oven to 325. Combine all dry ingrediants and mix well. Melt butter and add to honey and vanilla, mix well.
Pour wet into dry and mix well, you don't want anything to look dry.
Pour ingredients into a greased 9x13 pan, I usually use a glass dish but it is currently being occupied by a big frozen lasagna for post baby times...
Crucial: really cram the ingredients down evenly throughout the pan, I find using a metal spatula to press down hard on the mixture works best. Put into oven and bake for 20 minutes. I also usually take mine out midway through the baking process and re-press the mixture with my spatula. Do not over bake...it will intensify the crumble! Take out and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
At ten minutes (and not a minute late...just kidding!) cut or score 16 bars with a sharp knife. I don't worry if it isn't perfect and don't try to fix anything if it crumbles a little. Now the hard part...WALK AWAY! Don't touch these puppies until they are completely cool - you can even throw them in the fridge to speed this up once the pan has cooled but do not be tempted to remove from pan until they are completely cool.... SO I suggest finding something to preoccupy yourself with...
In our case, Isabelle and I crafted up a new holiday garland. And since they are still cooling I don't have the final product to show. Patience is key! Once cooled I remove them from the pan using a metal spatula, if there are any spots that didn't get cut perfectly by the knife you can use the spatula or a knife to cut through again. I put mine in an airtight container and they stay in the fridge. I hear they freeze very well ....but ours never make it. Hope you enjoy!
** In the past I have also substituted the brown sugar for 1/2 cup of apple sauce...you will lose the crunch in the cereal from a little too much wetness...however slightly more healthy - your choice...either way they are delicious!
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