Monday, January 30, 2012

a walk in the woods

Sunday Grampy, Isabelle, Owen, Maddie (the dog) and I snuck out of the house for a quick walk in the woods.  Isabelle did the best I think she has ever done - she walked for an hour all by herself - her big motivation being that she got to control Maddy's leash of course!

grampy, isabelle & maddy

snug as a bug

Sunday, January 29, 2012

a trip to kelly's farm

Isabelle, Owen, and I took a ride down to RI for the weekend to spend some time with friends and family.  First stop (after grammy & grampy's of course) was a trip over to my friend Kelly's farm for a fun filled visit with some of my rhody loves.  This I suppose is a special crew because they have all sort of seen, in one way or another, Aaron and I's partnership unfold...then babies born...then marriage and so on...they are a rude, loud, sometimes funny group of people that share our most shameful poop stories with, in hopes to out do the other (har har- kris you won)....a group I can honestly say I am totally myself around...which is truly refreshing!  We ate some delicious fondue courtesy of Max, inhaled burgers made from Jeff & Carolyn's cows, ate a fancy looking potato dish, and choked down some pond marinated duck...ha.

Isabelle & Noa on stroll to see the horses

horses disappointed we had no treats

Owen's worried face makes me laugh every time...

the cutest french american family


happy baby


I believe kris tried to stink out Isabelle here...

pass the baby

Thanks for a great visit team!

Friday, January 27, 2012

6 weeks


Yup, I will hold onto counting in weeks for as long as I can.  I don't know what the future holds for us as far as more children.  I always thought I would have a big family but I fell in love with someone who is (for now) happy with just two.  And well...while I am not ruling out a third baby Weed...I am just going to hang onto every precious moment that is baby.  So I apologize if my posts on Owen are a little overwhelmingly mama-ish... I just can't help it... I am so in love.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

so much laundry...

So I was prepared for the onslaught of laundry that comes along with babies and especially cloth diapering...but I swear Mr. Owen must be in cahoots with a laundry detergent or stain remover...  But yesterday he totally outdid himself.  One load of laundry was created within - I kid you not - one commercial break of Ellen (yes...I love Ellen...and watch it when ever I can...).  And since I recently laughed so hard I cried at my dear friend Melissa's Poop Story...I figured I would share my own poop story (I'm sure there will be plenty more).

It all started with Isabelle wanting to practice her photography skills...(which is tough because she is learning on a Canon digital SLR that is 1/2 the size of her head...)

rut-roh mama
yeah...those evasive big worried eyes weren't just for show...

While I unknowingly posed for a picture with Owen I smelled that familiar smell of poo...not thinking much...because Isabelle really wanted to take a few pictures...I figured I would just get to it in a few minutes. WRONG...moments after the above picture was taken I felt warmth...NOT GOOD.  Owen blasted through his outfit and onto mama...ok...done this before...I jumped out of my pooped on pants and stripped the little man down and into the tub he went.  After bath he gets out, dried and dressed and pukes all over himself...and not just a little puke...this kid doesn't get the nickname "cheese maker" for nothing...OK back to the tub!  Then I get him out for the second time...wrap him in his towel and on our way to the changing table he pees all over me...and well after that we both ended up in new outfits...that thankfully lasted through the evening...

and well that's all she load of laundry in less than five minutes... I will forever laugh at that picture above and think of the events that followed it...Thank you Isabelle for capturing it for us!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Today (and most days) I am so thankful for my snuggle buddy Owen.  Even though he insists on waking me up every two hours....he is the best little bundle of warmth to wake up next to.  His morning smiles and coos make the sleepless night fade away and fill me up with love.


And since I have been totally lacking on posts lately I also figured I would share our last doctors visit went awesome and Owen's "stats" are:
height: 20.25 in
weight: 9 lb 1.5 oz
head circumference: 14.75 in

Thursday, January 19, 2012

:a moment:

Wednesday night my mother-in-laws husband, Grampy Galen (GG), passed away during open heart surgery in Boston.  

We are taking a moment to breath, support, and love Nana.

Life is precious.  Hug your loved ones.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

big feet, little feet

hard to believe those purple feet were once as small as those blue feet...
so cliche...but it goes by so fast

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

oh for the love of poached eggs

The only thing I truly missed during pregnancy was deliciously runny poached eggs.  Since Owen has been born I have been able to fulfill my craving...but not without obstacles.  Owen is not a fan yet of anything other than mama's milk and doesn't quite understand why on earth I need to eat.... Yesterday I woke up with the most intense "need" for poached eggs and the most intensely needy children.  So...I did what any human desperate for runny yoke would do... I turned on pbs for Isabelle and broke out the pacifier for Mr. Owen.  Not one of my best mama moments...but I "needed" that egg....

owen...not understanding...

eggs coming to room temp...buying me some time to calm a baby

success.... eaten inhaled in 3 seconds.... baby seriously did not understand

Monday, January 16, 2012

One month, ballerinas, and brewing...oh my!

Last week Aaron was out of town for a meeting so my mom came up...and let me tell you...thank goodness she did.  The evening before Aaron left I threw out my shoulder...on one of my many roundabouts with baby Owen at 2 in the morning...and I came down with a head cold.  All that equals one tired and impatient mama.  My mom was there like a champ to keep Isabelle preoccupied and even walked my little man around during some of his uglier moments.  I'm not sure I could have done it without her.


Isabelle had her second dance class last week as well and I am happy to report that things went GREAT!  After I danced a little with her I tested the waters with..."I think I'll go rest with the other mamas...but I'll be right here if you need me"... all the while I was anticipating I would have to get back up and hold her hand through the marching, hopping, and toe tapping.  But I was totally wrong...Isabelle stood up there and did everything Miss. Tammy told her to do, every once and a while looking back to make sure mama was where she said she would.... and at eye contact I would get the most proud looking smile beaming from her face.  It was awesome!  I am so proud of my little dancer!  (side note: there was a week of preparation...mama and Isabelle talked about dance class almost everyday and practiced her moves to help her feel more comfortable with her new surroundings)


And in Owen World... I am happy to report I've got the cutest little one month old I know!  Owen loves to be attached at the moment and isn't a huge fan of being put thank goodness for slings.  In the past two weeks he has really started focusing on our faces, responding more to noises (tap shoes for one...), and has really started to love his bath.  Owen is still a master "spit-upper"... he some how always can find the spot where the burp cloth meets shirt.  He is also still holding onto a late night awake period... at about 2 - 2:30 a.m. he decides it is just time to be awake, thankfully it is usually sans fuss... but not exactly when I want to be awake.  We have an appointment with the pediatrician this week and am looking forward to some new measurements to see how much he has grown!

a little tummy time

And here...yet another shot of my brewmaster in training....

Monday, January 9, 2012

funny things are everywhere....

From there to here,
from here to there,
funny things are everywhere.
~ Dr. Seuss

Today I caught Isabelle reading Dr. Seuss' One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish... It is amazing how she can pretty much read the entire thing on her own.  Sure she misses a page or two or a few words but I am just in awe of her capacity to memorize.  A reminder of how much this little sponge soaks up - another big reason I need to clean up the ol' potty mouth... 

a little embarrassed that i caught her in the act...;)

This weekend was pretty laid back, we did one load of laundry after another, went grocery shopping and did a whole lot of this:

well at least some of us did...(during the day of course)

all lap space was occupied...

We also had an awesome drop in visit from some RI friends, Kris & Sarah... which was a bit random considering we aren't really in drop in distance from anyone - but we are so glad they did!  I didn't snap any photos...Sarah was looking a bit green and well Kris was looking a little I figured I would do them a favor and leave the camera alone....(hahah- love youuu).

And today Isabelle, Owen, and I ventured out to the bounce house but not before we stopped for a quick scone at the co-op.  The scones are nothing in comparison to our beloved moscow co-op but they did the trick...


And now.... I am ignoring the messes that accumulate way to easy, listening to our little dancer practice her tap moves, slinging a sleepy infant (Melissa C.- OB loves the sling...haven't broken out the Moby yet), and cooking up a hearty minestra base with beans, potatoes and pork from Lidia Bastianich's,  Lidia's Faimily smells divine. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another baby boy!

Congrats to Melanie & Todd!  
Last night Melanie gave birth to their first baby boy, Conner Todd Biggs!

I will post a few pictures as they start coming through (as long as it is ok with the mama & papa)

in the mean time a picture or two of our brood


getting ready to say goodbye to christmas

Friday, January 6, 2012

A cousin on the way!

Today we got the great news that Auntie Mels' water broke!  We are still waiting to hear a final doctors verdict as she is three weeks early with her first.... but by the sounds of it things are moving!  We are all so excited to meet the newest addition to the family - he or she will be greatly loved!  As you did for us, send some positive thoughts for Melanie & Todd today and the arrival of their little bundle of love.

In honor of our new cousin's arrival (three short weeks after Owens arrival) we are making the sandcastle brownies that Melanie & Todd sent us for Christmas.  A perfect way to celebrate...I do say so myself!

clockwise: isabelle stirring it up; owen snug as a bug in the sling; 
pre oven brownies; brownies done served with a glass of milk


and a few 3 week mug shots of baby O.B.
(and yes sometimes i call him obi wan kenobi)


*big thanks to Kelly, Max & Noa for letting us borrow their moses basket!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


So, the reason the title is optimism is because this could so easily turn into a overwhelmed tired mama rant - so repeat with me OPTIMISM .  We are still getting through the transition period here and I have decided to stop thinking about how long it might take and just take it day by day.  I thought things would be a little off kilter for maybe a week or two but I can see clearly now that it will take longer.  So bare with me over the next few weeks, posts will be lacking.

I was only able to sneak one photo
after which i was informed that there are no pictures allowed in class....hmph.....

Yesterday Isabelle had her first dance class (a Christmas gift from grandparents and aunts & uncles).  And well it went as well as I anticipated.  I admit, I did have some irrational thoughts that Isabelle would be so excited about dance class that she would immediately turn into some out going and brave young lady.  Alas, she was reserved, observing, and wary of all the new faces...with baby in arm I had to escort and dance Isabelle through least someone is getting some exercise I suppose....

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years!

The fairy-princess-ballerina-cat wishes you all a very happy New Year!
(she is in mid wand waving granting everyone their new years wishes)

I have never really made or committed to any new years resolutions... but last night...while watching the ball fall at midnight, sipping on champagne and sneaking a kiss from my hubby (that must have been a dream).... reality: trying to nurse and convince a baby he really should be tired after being up for 4 hours...I decided I needed to clean up my potty mouth.  All too often ugly words gush out of my mouth in moments of sheer exhaustion and frustration...and I suppose it is really time to clean it up (honestly it probably was time 3 years ago...I'm just a little slow).  So I am holding all of you accountable to call me out on any ugly words you may hear muttered from my mouth and am taking any suggestions as to how to quit the shit....(last time!).  One friend from an old play group Isabelle and I use to attend replaced potty words with Jingle was great because it sounded so silly.  Now I don't want to be painfully unoriginal but am taking suggestions on replacement words - I think this strategy might help...the sillier the better.

Dear fairy-princess-ballerina-cat,
please help my potty mouth.
tired momma