Monday, April 30, 2012
She is here!
So after much anticipation the new pooch has arrived. More details and pictures to come... We are having so much fun with our packing distraction!!
Friday, April 27, 2012
{this moment}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
the dilemma
So today, after much anticipation, we visited our local Waldorf school. And well, it was wonderful. The morning garden & nursery area was so beautiful and full of inspiration. When we entered they were in the process of making dough for buns (they were grinding the flour, stirring and kneading the dough all all by hand)...Isabelle wasn't too interested as she stood in a mecca of a play space. Wooden creatures, houses, nature tables, a kitchen area, and a doll nursery/reading area padded by sheep skins....and so much more. Isabelle explored and played for nearly an hour and half before I had to gently persuade her and I into leaving. It really is just lovely.
Homeschool is an option, for preschool anyways...and then who knows after that. It is one way that I can ensure that during this period Isabelle and Owen aren't forced to memorize their letters or be expected to, imitation, story telling, imagination....and so much more are the center of our lives and learning experience.
this post is in no way me complaining about not being able to afford a school...just me sharing what i want for my kids
candid iphone
Sorry I don't have all that much to share. It is...well...really crazy around here these days. Here are few candid camera shots (captured from the ol' the quality isn't so hot...).
brother & sister dressing up like fairies...apparently fairy grandmothers
owen was enjoying this moments before
owen was enjoying this moments before
Monday, April 23, 2012
There is a lot happening here over the next two weeks. Moving to our new house and possibly...just possibly... getting another four legged friend this weekend - one that barks and wags a tail to be clear! I have been trying to not get my hopes up because we still have to meet her...but both Aaron and I are pretty sure she is the one! Anyways I suppose I will share more about the lovely pooch once we have her - as I am still reluctant to get too attached to a dog that isn't officially ours yet. Anyways all that excitement is dampened by the packing and lists upon lists of things that need to get done in a short time. Like those chickens we had to have...they need a yesterday...(well maybe I'm exaggerating a bit...but they do need one soon)...Yes we love chaos around here!
carrot prep
Anyways with today being a transition day (the kids and I in RI and Aaron was in ME this weekend) I did my best to not think about all that needed to be done...and instead made some turkey soup for miss Isabelle who has a big case of the sniffles. Tomorrow we will pack...right?!
Oh and today we visited the doctor for Mr. Owen...his 4 month stats are:
weight: 12 lbs 6 oz (up about 2 lbs)
length: 24 in (not sure what the increase was)
head circ: 16.25 in (up about 1 in)
Oh and then the pediatrician told me that if I wasn't introducing solids I should do iron supplements (has anyone done this?) and that if I do use rice cereal (which is recommended) to avoid it coming from southern US because it likely has traces of I feel even more comfortable with introducing my child to cereal...way to go US.
Friday, April 20, 2012
{this moment}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
It started out with the good intention of going to a puppet show - how overwhelming can a puppet show be really? Well the answer...if you haven't already really overwhelming. The combination of April vacation (=way more kids than normal at the library), unseasonably warm weather and that it took place in a very small -unventilated basement room- of our local library proved to be a very over stimulating. Owen could not keep still and we were packed in like sardines...and well you can imagine Isabelle trying her hardest to sit on top of me in order to avoid touching any of the several people surrounding us.
It went pretty well...I was surprised at how well Isabelle was coping with the situation...a short time ago I thought she would have made a be line for the door as soon as she saw all the kids. But then...oh...but then...the last puppet really wanted to give everyone in the audience a kiss. Oh no. I thought...we are close to the back...she surely won't make it all the way back here. But she did. And upon the dragon swooping in to kiss Isabelles head we all witnessed shear uninhibited fear - she screamed. And not the cute squeal scream.... it was the puppet is going to rip my head off type of scream.
After we nearly escaped...with all our heads in tact...we walked to the park to breath for a few minutes. Followed by some hugs and big heavy sighs. I think she knew she over reacted but there was just nothing she could do about it. It was okay, I know my girl and I apologized for the situation escalating to what it had. We loaded up into the car and headed home...and then we all napped (which never ever happens). After Isabelle woke up and ate her lunch she said she really wanted to go for a walk to her special place (in the woods across the street) and I was more than happy to oblige. She told me on the walk over that she really loved the puppet show but thinks she feels more safe when we play in the woods - yup she is definitely my girl.
we built a stick home for the wood fairies
and stood quietly to watch the mice scurrying through the leaves and wood
My girl may not be all that comfortable in a room filled with unfamiliar faces...or big stuffed (cute) puppets giving her a kiss. But she is comfortable in the woods...with her fairy friends, mischievous wood gnomes, and her new favorite...water striders (those little bugs that seem to dance on top of the water). I witnessed something special about Isabelle in the picture above...I noticed and felt so proud that my girl could sit quietly and patiently until the mice went back to work. That she understood what patience was and she was rewarded with glimpses of tales and little furry bodies scurrying beneath the leaves. And in this moment I forget all my worries of how Isabelle or when Isabelle will adjust to big crowds or overstimulation...because truly...down deep I'm not sure I ever have myself. And I think I too feel safer in the stillness of the forest, under a canopy of trees and being whispered to by the wind and a babbling brook. Yup, my girl and I are quite content in the forest.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Well the weather here is just wonderful... humidity and warm...really warm! I really got use to the dry heat in Idaho...and am not super excited about humidity this summer (even though I suppose I should be use to it growing up in RI). Anyways we are taking full advantage of this beautiful weather...Isabelle even frolicked in her bathing suit all day (of course the water is much too cold for a quick dip...but nice to cool off our toes). Owen is on shade patrol...Sunday I think he got a little too much sun (which was hardly any) and he seemed a bit out of it so I am trying to juggle a shade baby and a sun fairy princess! And yes... a mama even got in some crafts (remember I managed to salvage one not so small box of craft items from the pack list)!
And speaking of our home school group... I plan to elaborate more on the whole pre school/school dilemma at some point...but for now I'd rather not think too much about it and enjoy this sunny day.
Monday, April 16, 2012
In just about two weeks from now we will be loading up yet another moving lets do the math...yes this is just about three moves in a little over two years. Rhode Island to Idaho...Idaho to New Hampshire...New Hampshire to Vermont. And while the ladder is most definitely not a "bad move", we still have to pack up...and unpack...all our things. Bleh. So since we will be out of town next weekend we really started. The photos are packed, the walls are bare, and even most of my craft stuff is boxed up in the garage (don't worry I still have one little box of tricks...). This, for me, is the worst part of in a space that just doesn't seem like home...and having that nagging feeling of just pack it...and then a day later saying...shoot I really needed that casserole dish! we go again
On a brighter note the weather here has been gorgeous...plenty of reasons to just put down the packing tape and go for a hike...which is just what we plan to do today!
Saturday, April 14, 2012
4 Months
Yes, its true - 4 months! Wow! Not too much has changed. His doctors appointment isn't for another I should have some "stats" coming soon. Owen is continuing to gain more control of his head and arms. He prefers laying on his belly - accomplished by one quick roll...and usually followed by one quick spit up. Yes...still spitting up. Somedays are better than others, but still spitting up after most feedings. I have read a bit online that says between 4 and 6 months is when it usually slows down and stops...and my goodness I hope so (at least before we start offering real foods). Owen is still 100% on mama's milk and hasn't yet had a bottle, although I am sure he would be ok with a bottle.....just haven't needed to use one yet. This is something I am cherishing - with Isabelle we were using a bottle (and even formula) way earlier than I really wanted (the whole new baby and grad school didn't really work out as well as planned...). He is starting to show signs of interest in food but I'm not convinced he is any where near ready...he just sort of drools a bit and is beginning to follow food with his eyes. Maybe in another month or two we will start something...but like I said...there is no pressure.
mama & owen
photo courtesy Isabelle (she is really getting the hang of the camera...mama is so impressed)
look at that little turtle neck...I just envision a bug flying by and him snapping it up...
you will notice the herd of horses around him (and in the picture above)... Isabelle is practicing playing with brother...which often means herds of wild animals trampling over Mt. Owen
The biggest and most exciting change is giggles...only a few so far...and daddy of course got the first one...but a few cute little giggles. His first being on Easter Sunday. He has also started to show a little stranger fear - a quick pout or big crocodile tears to anyone other than mama or daddy picking him up. We are still co-sleeping and not sure when or how that will change...and I am content with that. Isabelle has picked up on the co-sleeping fever too and has been sleep walking into our bed at about 3 or 4 every morning....which is quite alright... waking up to cute faces usually puts a temporary spell of amnesia over the kicking and spit up that you went through a few hours earlier. Other than that Mr. Owen is a pretty happy little 4 month old bug.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Friday, April 13, 2012
{this moment}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soulemama.
Thursday, April 12, 2012
transition days
Let me start by saying - I love visiting family and friends. That being said I dread the day after we arrive home - the transition day. The day where the fridge is completely empty, 3 loads of laundry need to be done (like yesterday), and both my kids are coming off an attention sugar high. Don't get me wrong I love giving my wee ones all the attention I can...but it is nothing in comparison with the attention they get when they are surrounded by several loved ones...and then on the dreaded transition day...I...and only I am suppose to supply all that love and attention. And I'm not very good at that. Yesterday Isabelle refused to play with any of her toys and I basically tripped over her every other move as she was clung to my hip. Owen refused to nap on his own and had to be held all day (hmm...maybe that is normal...yup that is normal). All of this is ok...and transition day is over...but phew I am happy it is over.
at one point I was able to pull myself out of the "things that had to be done"...we got a little wet on wet painting done

the results were lovely...but after painting I thought I would get a minute to sit and gather myself...I did not..and Isabelle ended up losing all her toys for the remainder of the the heat of my craze it sounded like a good was not...

and well on days like those we are all just sooo sooo happy to see daddy walk through that door
Hopefully we got all the "transition bugs" out yesterday and today will be much less crazed...
a lot of this...
after mama pleads with her to just go sit by herself for a minute while I use the bathroom
at one point I was able to pull myself out of the "things that had to be done"...we got a little wet on wet painting done
the results were lovely...but after painting I thought I would get a minute to sit and gather myself...I did not..and Isabelle ended up losing all her toys for the remainder of the the heat of my craze it sounded like a good was not...
and well on days like those we are all just sooo sooo happy to see daddy walk through that door
Hopefully we got all the "transition bugs" out yesterday and today will be much less crazed...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
As always, a trip down to RI means good times with family & friends and always good food. We enjoyed the Easter holiday with family and were even able to sneak in a visit with some friends. We enjoyed lamb & ham for the holiday and the following night enjoyed steamers & fried rabbit...and oh my goodness it was delicious. For the first time I lied to Isabelle about what her food was...I just said it was chicken. I immediately knew that was a wrong move on my part but ended up sticking with that choice for the evening. We have always been very honest about where our food comes from and after I lied about the rabbit I wasn't too pleased with myself. At the table she looked slightly concerned..."wait we are eating chicken?" - I saw her mind spin a bit and I almost saw the glimpse of her brain wiring the connection to her little baby chicks she loves so so much - "yes you are eating chicken like your baby chicks" (which was really rabbit....oh my ...big mama foul!). We had a few heartfelt conversations about our choices to eat meat and poultry and I think that over the next few weeks we will continue this conversation. Isabelle has never been overly in love with meat products and I wonder if she will have a change of heart on what she chooses to consume. Either way it is her that we will fully support and also educate her to the best of our ability. And from now on I will never lie about was really a poor decision on my part...yes I have oober mama guilt...
Saturday, April 7, 2012
eggs falling from the sky
Yesterday Isabelle, Owen and I headed to Newport NH for a spectacular easter egg hunt. And what may you ask made it soooo special?....The eggs literally fell from the sky! Four small planes flew over a huge field and dropped buckets and buckets of eggs! It was pretty neat -probably a huge waste of fuel...- but we had fun regardless!
plane carrying eggs!
Isabelle filling up her basket
and likely what we both feared the most...she "won a special prize"
It wasn't too bad...the eggs didn't contain any candy (we had a huge work up talk about how the sugar sprite would be paying us a visit after this egg hunt...isabelle was stoked about the whole thing...she asked after if the sugar sprite would take easter erasers....). And Isabelle really didn't want to go collect her "special prize" from the easter so many words she said if I wanted to then I should go do it...and well since I have NEVER gotten a ticket in any of my easter eggs I dragged her behind me to collect the goods. A disappointing pink rabbit was the prize... both of us decided we could donate it to someone who doesn't have as many toys as she does.
Anyways, we will be heading down to RI shortly to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. Happy Easter...Spring...the weekend...whatever you want to celebrate...we hope you just enjoy it!
Friday, April 6, 2012
{this moment}
{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
Trying something new...something inspired by my favorite blogger Soulemama
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
mouth full of cat hair...
Spring is showing its true so many beautiful ways...and so many furry ways. Our furry companions are shedding like crazy (especially Sid). Everything is covered. It's in my breakfast, on my clothes, in Owen's mouth, plastered over Isabelle's fleece, and just floating in the air...Yes we even breath cat hair. I find kitten size hair balls hiding under the table ...just after I swept...and somehow they even get stuck in my contacts...yes this is a very furry spring. Twenty six days until we move ...and lets say thirty before the cats are back to being outdoors during the day - thank goodness.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
the life of toys
I have to admit...I often curse the toys that scatter every room in this house (especially if one happens to find itself under a bare foot). But mostly I wonder what they are all doing. I catch bits and pieces from Isabelle wondering from space to space - on epic journeys, foraging for food, taking naps, or discovering an empty birds nest and wondering what hatched out of it. And all this is exactly what I love to see her do...use her imagination. So I will try harder to not curse the toys and embrace them...because this is really what playing is all about. (plus i totally gave up that cursing thing right....?!...somehow I have just replaced all those ugly words with the first letter...saying...S! D!..progress right!)
Monday, April 2, 2012
discovering pine seedlings buried under winter leaves
breathing in cool air while the sun rays warm our backs
dropping sticks over the bridge and watching them be carried by a busy river
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