Tuesday, July 31, 2012

garden update

We have reason to believe the "required space" per plant as allotted on the back of the seed packages was not quite accurate...either that or this once pig pen is creating a steroid effect on our garden.  Either way it is awesome...and slightly unmanageable at the same time.

aaron trying to make sense of the butternut & delicata squash
a view from the butternut patch
quite possibly 100+ tomatillos per plant...or little green lanterns as isabelle called them today.
can someone say salsa verde??
all these veggies is giving us crazy eyes...demonstrated here by isabelle
swiss chard spanakopita (replacing the spinach w/ chard) tomorrow night...
yes.  3 plants each of summer squash and zucchini is far too much for this family.
but don't worry, we are determined to eat or freeze it ALL.
squash leftovers 3 different ways.  grilled, stuffed & gratin (winged).
holy. amazingness.
chocolate zucchini cake

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Beach babies

Just a few pictures of the kids enjoying the sun and the salty air. Summer beach days are a beautiful (and tiring) thing with little humans!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Maggie!

On Isabelle's 4th birthday her best pal from Idaho, Miss Maggie, posted a video on her mama's blog for her - it was is super special and to this day Isabelle loves to go back and watch it (you can check it out here).  Today is Maggie's 4th birthday and Isabelle (and I) wanted to return the favor with a video just for Maggie on her 4th birthday.  

Happy Birthday Maggie, we hope you have a fantastic birthday and we miss you so SO much!
Keep your eyes out in the next few days for a package!!
Isabelle & family

Friday, July 20, 2012


The garden is producing faster than consumption abilities.... Especially with Aaron out of town (he is in costa rica chasing monkeys... Yes really...). So what to do with the surplus? Pickle and pesto it! Sounds like a theme song in my head... Below: pickled radish, zucchini & summer squash, and cucumbers. I think I also made my most favorite pesto yet... Mixed greens, arugula, garlic, toasted almonds, olive oil, s&p, lemon juice and nutrition yeast (we were out of parm)....so so so good. We are in Rhode Island for the next week and can't begin to imagine the piles of veggies that we will be returning to...thankfully someone will be picking for us every other day so I don't come home to base ball bat zucchinis...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

7 months and the milk saga...

Owen showing off plank
that goofy tongue
...chasing sister (not really crawling yet...one of his legs still doesn't get it...but my...so close!)

Not much new to report...creeping, trying to crawl, pulling himself up, enjoying a few pushups...this is our 7 month old boy.  So yes, my milk saga continues.  I have written 2 posts about it but decided not to share until I could refrain from wanting to type multiple profanities.  It was a bad month.  Long story short...Owen went in for his 6 month appointment and had barely gained 3 ounces in 2 months (not good for babies) and at the same time I could tell he was not being fulfilled at all by nursing (side note...owen still really just is face painting with solids...no real appreciable calorie intake is going on).  Milk supply was down again...and seemingly just getting worse...he wouldn't sleep at night for more than an hour....and this went on for a few days.  Thankfully my pediatrician, who know I'm really committed to nursing for the first year, recommended I take domperidone (a drug not approved by the FDA but widely used in canada & europe to boost lactation).  And it worked...after a few days my supply was back up, Owen still barely accepting solids and after 2 weeks we went in for a weight check and he gained almost a pound!  This was great.  As the doctor and I chatted Owen creeped all over the room, from one thing to the next, she told me that in all her years she had only seen 4 other babies move the way he does at this age.  It is no wonder he isn't gaining...he just never stops moving.  There is no lack in development...Owen...may not be growing like all the others but he sure is moving like he is a few months older than he is.  We are not suprised ... Owen has always been wide awake and ready to go...

Monday, July 16, 2012

look out dive team...here she comes!

new goggles
Isabelle got a pair of goggles today and hasn't taken them off...  Only if they are extremely fogged up will she let me remove them from her head so I can clean them and put them promptly back on...  You see, Miss Isabelle, is in no way shape or form about to stick her head under water but hates water being splashed in her eyes.  And yes, goggles protect our eyes...so it dawned on mama today that going to the river or lake might be just a tad more enjoyable if she had some "eye protection" from the incidental splashes of other kids and adults.  And boy was mama right!  Isabelle seemed to have a bit more confidence today at the river, plunging in without worrying about her eyes...and even asking about the mechanics behind dunking her head under water (not trying quite yet but thinking about it!).  She also got a set of dollar floaties to go around her arms and thoroughly enjoyed them.  She went just a bit deeper (with mama by her side of course) and was full of giggles over her new pink plastic "arm muscles".

Sunday, July 15, 2012

you'll shoot your eye out!

It's true, I feel like poor Ralphie from A Christmas Story (you know the one with the little boy who wants the bb gun?).  For a while now I have wanted a scroll saw to try my hand at some toy making....and for my birthday that was all I wanted.  No one actually got me one... I did however graciously receive a few cards with money....and a few murmured sighs of "don't you think you could find something less dangerous to spend your birthday money on...".  Well the short answer is, no!  After a month of searching on craigslist for a good deal we picked up my "new" scroll saw earlier this week.  And boy am I excited!  I am really just getting the hang of the tension, working with the wood and selecting the correct blades...but so far I am hooked!  And I have not lost any fingers!

my new scroll saw!
So far I have just been playing around with pine furring left over from our chicken coop endeavors but I have a big piece of poplar I intend to start working with soon.  And in the mean time I am making all sorts of funny little creatures that might be missing a nose, tail or not exactly stand up straight...but that is alright by me...and definitely okay by isabelle....and hopefully anyone else who receives some of my "firsts" in the mail won't mind either...:).

from left to right: turtle, mushroom & 3 little pigs (that might also look like bears?)
Isabelle couldn't wait to get her hands on the pigs...
a little chickie 
The plan is to paint all the pieces but I am waiting on some paint that I ordered.  The chickie Isabelle painted with some new Stockmar watercolors but I have an assortment of milk paints coming in the mail that will hopefully make for some great non toxic toy paints.  Oh I am so excited to be starting this new little side hobby...if you have any suggestions/requests now is the time!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

no sharks in the lake!


As some of you know, I have an irrational fear of sharks....which growing up a mere 5 minutes from the beach makes absolutely no sense.  The recent photos of great white shark fins off the coast of RI do not help...especially when I am so looking forward to our upcoming week at the beach.  I suppose they can't get me if I go in and come out really really quick right?  :).  Oh well...  on the bright side lakes have no sharks... and I once though lakes could be gross...but now I think they are just perfect!  We have been enjoying our afternoons cooling off down by the river or at the local lakes so so much...especially in the recent heat wave we have been experiencing!  Hope you all are keeping cool - one way or another!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

the mess

Sorry...I may be overloading you with pictures of Owen with food all over his face.  But taking pictures of it is really the only part I enjoy.  The mess he creates is expansive...usually leading to not only his own outfit change but a shirt change for me too.  Don't ask how...it just happens...food gets everywhere.

But yes...thank goodness it makes for real cute pictures...




into the sink for clean up...

and a little mischief...

Monday, July 9, 2012

baby gate up!

Even though we are on the second floor of the house we are renting, there is still a set of three stairs that separate the living and dining area.  Otherwise known as a baby hot spot.  He just gravitates towards that area...other areas include the cabinet below the sink and the dog bowl.  I am doing anything in my power to slow the process of crawling down - my pleading with him to slow down just isn't working though.  And while we are still in the army crawl stage...he is getting really good at it...and fast.  And with a few close call incidents it was time to bring out the big guns...the baby gate.


When we first looked at this rental the built in baby gate was an instant seller for me.  Our landlords, who also built and lived here, had four children and must have known the importance of a good sturdy baby gate.  And for that I am very thankful.

Now to learn how to juggle a dog, 4 year old, and baby that seem to always want to be on the other side of the gate...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

garden, chickens, rats...


So here she is, our lovely garden!  We are awfully proud of her and all the veggies we hope to harvest from her all summer.  This year we are growing tomatillos, a few varieties of tomatoes, string beans, snap peas, cucumber, zucchini, summer squash, pumpkin, butternut squash, melon, carrots, beets, turnips, kale, chard, onions, radishes, greens, several different herbs, potatoes...and even taking a stab at corn!  In the past week the garden really has started to grow and we are hoping for a nice warm & sunny week to keep it up.  This year things made it into the ground a bit later than we had hoped so we are a few weeks behind some, but still happy with the progress.  Our corn, however, was not "knee high by the fourth of july".

summer squash

baby tomatoes

And then there are the chickens.  Who still need a proper roof (hence the tarp) and a nesting box.  The nesting box is on its way to completion, siding & insulation has been purchased for the outside and we are still trying to manifest roofing material to magically appear at our doorstep.  Not really working though...

work obviously needed...
Additionally, the birds are eyeing our garden (that is conveniently right next to their home...and so easy to jump/fly into)....oh all those little baby vegetables look so darn delectable to them...I suppose I don't blame them and their curious beaks.  But man...if you plan to peck off the baby peppers...eat them!  Don't just leave them for me to pout about.  Basically this means that we need to come up with a better plan for the chicken run (which we knew would fail eventually)...we are thinking some mesh for the top should do the trick.

snow white...who turned out to be a prince charming
he had better be charming or he'll find himself in a pot...

one of the rhody reds checkin out the beet greens...

And lastly the rats.  I strongly dislike them....and we have them.  I mentioned them before...and i'm not sure "rat proofing" will ever happen.   Because of the set up by the chicken coop (a barn and lots of tall grass that makes for plenty of rat hideouts) rats were inevitable...but seriously so gross.  We have been taking in the feed at night but I am thinking some rat poison might be my next step.  I honestly just wish rat proof feeders were a bit cheaper....but oh well.  

So there, that is the update on the homestead.  Still patiently waiting for that first egg and to harvest veggies.  And of course pondering what else me might want to add to the list....
more birds?...more rats... who knows.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Adele's new best friend


(mom/dad - notice how i am conveniently not showing the whole picture of the high chair...yes that is because i have not yet glued it together...i may get to it?!)

Owen has graduated from the lap to his high chair!  And let me tell you...he is digging his new seat.  He loves being up at eye level and being apart of the table during meals.  He is still not so sure about that spoon and doesn't quite like to open his mouth for it...face painting is still his favorite...or maybe we should call it body painting with food.  In an effort to get him to eat some of his food we have resorted to a small syringe...which he actually loves to suck the food out.  We keep that spoon on hand and try to sneak it in as much as possible...but it is better equipped for banging and throwing than it is eating (according to O anyway).  He does however love a piece of banana to chew on or a homemade banana bread biscuit.  And guess who else loves these biscuits....


and boy am i happy to have a clean up crew like her...Owen loves to make a mess!

Monday, July 2, 2012

band meeting


(me having a "flight of the concords moment")

Sunday, July 1, 2012

first time for everything

disclaimer: if you are morally offended by respectfully killing animals for food then this post is not for you.  i respect your opinions and values and hope you respect ours too!  


It is true, there is a first time for everything.  This weekend, after a friend threw up her white flag after one too many run ins with her ducks and her garden, we processed our first birds.  Neither Aaron or I have ever done this....and well it was a hack job to say the least...but an excellent learning experience.  Early Saturday morning I went over to our friends, was introduced to all of her chickens by name, and then the two of us caught 3 ducks and...well...did away with them.  She was kind enough to do that part for me, while I watched very closely in preparation for having to do this myself someday.  Afterwards they were placed on ice and driven back to our place where aaron and I watched a youtube video and did a little reading before jumping in.  It really wasn't bad at all... but our technique was not so great and we didn't have quite enough wax to get the job done right (thanks kris and sarah for what we had - when it worked...it worked!).  Result: 3 ducks missing some skin and still hanging onto those pin feathers in a couple places...hmph.  Any ways...since they were old birds they are destined for sausage making and possibly some fat rendering or something...my job is done...it is aaron who is mostly interested in finessing something yummy from these birds.  And while there is not proof in pictures Aaron was more than happy to have me "try" each step first...and his hands just were "too big" to fit into the bird to pull out the innards....how convenient huh?!


Isabelle was kept in the loop through out the whole process and about half way through she came up from playing with her chickens to see what it was all about.  In true farm girl fashion she was pretty good with it...the only part she didn't like was when we took off their feet (heads had been removed at this point) and so she decided to hang out in her tent when we did that part.  It is hard to know where the line is with these sort of things, but we talked a whole lot about where our food comes from and this is part of the food system (obviously i didn't say exactly that to her).  And even though she is young she understands the life cycle and that food (plants & animals) nourish our body.  And we do believe that is what is best for our family- to understand where your food comes from.