Friday, September 28, 2012

chicken happenings

True to their breed...these chickens (the meat birds) are growing fast.  Faster than we were possibly ready for...but with some cheap lumbar, scrap fencing, and a little handiwork they are enjoying their new home.  The thought is that next year this box will be a acquire some wheels and be portable....but for now it is a permanant fixture in what hopefully will be our pig pen next year.  They seem to be enjoying the space and for now staying away from the pumpkins that spilled over from the garden. 



The chickens are only with us a mere two more months before they will be making their way, one by one, into our freezer where they will patiently wait to nourish our bodies all winter.  And with what looks to be a good turn out for our first annual chicken harvest it should be done in no time.  Thanks in advance to all those who have offered their help...rewards will be in the form of fried chicken livers and a rye IPA that is bubbling away in the bedroom as we speak.  


Thursday, September 27, 2012

hello autumn

So here we are...puddle jumping from summer to fall seamlessly.  I love how you don't need a calendar, the news, or the internet to know that the seasons have changed...on cue the morning air is just a bit more crisp, leaves change, you drink cider, eat cider donuts, break out your sweaters and your kids are in hand knit hats and mittens...  Fall is, by far, my most favorite season. There is just something about the smell of fall that I love.  And what other way to welcome fall...well a trip to a local orchard for some apple picking with my three favorite people...





yes...this is my most favorite season

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 has been a while

I have been on a self imposed blog hiatus trying to figure out what to do with this space.  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy this space, but it is also hard sometimes to maintain.  I honestly don't know how people who farm, work, parent also blog blows my mind.  They likely don't have a computer that is 6 going on 7 years old and can upload pictures much more efficiently...but still blogging takes time (and possibly longer for my child fried brain and slow as heck computer).  So anyways, not much will change...I was just doubting my ability to keep up with this space the way I have in the I am just accepting that some weeks there may be no blog entries and another might be chock full....and I think I (and you) might be alright with that (and anyone who is not can chip into the "buy caitlyn a new computer fund").

Anyways...the past few weeks haven't been necessarily busy (trying to avoid being that word), instead we have been trying to slowly ease into this September groove.  Find some peace in our days, a new-ish rhythm (including some home-preschool), and enjoying the last few weeks of summer (because it isn't over yet!!).  So here are a few moments captured over the last two weeks.... 

pickled beans and jalapenos...

slurping up the last bit of rocky road....

bag baby

chicks getting big and curious

all extreme crawlers must have a head lamp....yes?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


What to do with all the cherry tomatoes... Well I'll let you in on our new favorite way to use them up... Roasted cherry tomato passata! It is just about the best thing... Ever. We are make oodles of it and trying to save some for the freezer to enjoy this winter (not sure if it will make it though).

So... This recipe is modified from the river cottage canning & preserving book:
3 lbs tomatoes (in our case cherry)
Fresh herbs (we use rosemary and thyme)
2 cloves garlic
Salt & pepper
Teaspoon of salt
Olive oil

Combine all ingredients on baking pan and make sure evenly distributed. Roast at 350 for an hour. Blend or process in your food processor and pass through sieve (or use your food mill!). You can use this puréed tomato delight just about any way you would use a can of tomatoes for...a sauce or soup base (I added just whole milk to it for my new favorite tomato soup) or maybe a bloody mary???!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

for just a few more moments

Big deep breath....and exhale!  We had a beautiful weekend with friends and family and as I sit here mulling through the few photos I managed to take I wish we could all be back in the moment.  So for the few quiet moments I have this morning I am closing my eyes and imagining the sun on my back, salty lips, bellies full of home cookin' and a crackling fire - I can almost smell that was a good one.




