Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Trick

standing up without any help...walking is inevitable.
Happy Halloween!  Here is a sneak peak at our little rooster girl...more pictures to come tomorrow (or maybe the next) of all the halloween fun.  We luckily escaped all of Sandy's wrath, family and friends in RI however, not so lucky... and are all in our thoughts today.  We are all excited for a little trick or treating tonight and especially a visit from the sugar sprite tonight...who will be bringing healthy snacks and craft supplies in exchange for that coveted sugary candy.

I have a feeling this costume will be worn a lot longer than just halloween...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

a quick glimpse

I am far behind...we are bracing for Sandy over here and watching what is unfolding just a few states south of us via facebook and quick phone calls with family.  She seems fierce....we expect some high winds and flooding up here as well...we shall see! are a few pictures from last weekend.  A quick visit with nana at the park - put a smile on all our faces!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

pictures of recently enjoyed things

isabelle and her buddy bailey running to the dairy farm

making a little time for some fall crafts

snuggles with a certain little man

enjoying the carousel (and a visit from grammy & grampy)

apple pie...of course!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

a compromising position...

Yesterday I found Owen in several compromising positions involving the dolly stroller.  Each time he gave me the most goofy I had missed the best part...the million dollar question as to how on earth he got himself tangled the way he had.  It didn't take much mommy this is obviously a new trick in his mind so he was willing to show off.  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

security breach


Raccoons...unfortunately are behind our most recent security breach.  In retrospect we had been lucky up until now, but with the cold weather settling upon us we quite certainly due for a visit from something so cute and oh so vicious.  I will spare you the details.  We lost 6 birds and have 3 that I'm not quite sure what to do with.  Their legs...are well...pretty chewed...but they are eating and drinking so I am hoping for the best (any advice?).

Raising animals on your own ...even chickens...can be pretty humbling.  Taking all the experiences in and learning from them is just part of this life we are living.  As cliche as it might be, experiences like these reminds us of how fragile life really is true...i'm getting sentimental on my chickens. right now is full of sharp turns, bumpy roads, and road kill (is it bad to smile when i see a dead raccoon on the side of the road?...don't answer...).....Bumpy it may be...the scenery and company make it all worth while.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A whole lot of snuggling

There is one thing my boy doesn't do so well... Snuggle...he is just so squirmy he hardly has time to sit still for a good snuggle. And you can forget rocking in a chair....I don't think i have once rocked Owen to sleep... That was until yesterday, when fever hit and he slowed down just enough to enjoy a long snuggle and a long over due rock. This morning he seemed better but unfortunately his temperature spiked back up followed by a good old fashion puke (sorry for the details). And so here we are a baby who is teething and sick.... But it is all good because I am getting my fill of Owen snuggles...and for that I am thankful.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

she makes my heart sing

Watching Isabelle play with others fills me with an unexplicable joy.  So many times I stand with her and watch concern and worry wash over her smile and melt her is hard to watch and support.  But there are, and will be so many more, moments when I see these worries wash away.  These moments are filled with happiness...I can almost see a weight being lifted off her shoulders...smiles, giggles, silliness and play.  It happens...and when it does it makes my heart sing.  To see her let go and just have fun with her peers is beautiful and all I want for her.  And that is the honest truth...

Monday, October 1, 2012

9 months and then some

That toothy grin we all love

Owen helping dad with the butternut squash

refusing to sit...

  • Crawling...faster
  • Standing for moments
  • A top tooth breaking through (and another coming shortly)
  • Finally using a spoon (most of the time)
  • Deciding he no longer sits in his high chair....feeding may never be easy with this kid
  • Loving: yogurt, fruits, some chicken/turkey pureed, toast, settling at times for veggies...but still super picky and prone to break downs and refusing food if he doesn't like what he gets (per doctors order we need to encourage the consumption of much as possible)
  • Using his thumb and index finger to pick up little veggie puffs
  • Lots of babble... we are trying to not talk back in babble...even though it is so darn cute...i suppose we are suppose to encourage him to talk like the rest of us
  • Clicking noises are a new favorite thing
  • Shaking his head no, even though not yet associated with "no"
  • Following sister as much as she lets possible
  • Throwing toys...and miraculously hitting mama with them...
  • Mimicing a goofy laugh that sister does....I will try to get a video...when Isabelle laughs she tosses her head back and Owen follows suit....tossing his head back with the biggest grin possible and doing a silent weird nose laugh (quick breaths in and out of his nose)
  • Loves peek-a-boo with play silks
  • Starting to open and close his hands (working on this to sign for milk and a moc wave)
  • Sleeping well at night for the most part...still waking up once in a while but is able to get himself back to sleep within 15-20 minutes
  • Napping 2 times a day
  • Still melting our hearts with that huge, now toothy, grin