Thursday, January 31, 2013

last week re-cap

Last week was full of play dates and temperatures in the negatives...thankfully there were afternoons spent with a neighbors great grand daughter, trips to the local museum with friends and a dinner date with a favorite family...

Isabelle showing off her rocking horse moves to Evie
all smiles..
play date at the monthsire museum
isabelle and owen showing nivi how to use the dress up bin as a boat
silly kids
Weeks like last week remind me that we do have community here....a little spread out...but we definitely have community.  And for that I am grateful.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

how do you take your oatmeal?


We are a pretty dedicated oatmeal is how we are currently taking our oats:

Isabelle - frozen blueberries, brown sugar, cinnamon and flax
Owen - frozen blueberries, cinnamon and flax
Mama - strawberries, slivered almonds, maple syrup and flax
Daddy - slivered almonds, brown sugar and flax

add ins range week to week depending on what is in the fridge or on the shelf...
and we always make our rolled oats with 1/2 water and 1/2 milk...and usually add a dab of butter at the end.


Monday, January 28, 2013

owen time

Owen giving the bunny a hug
Owen clapping...and yes...we are totally matchy matchy..

With Isabelle at preschool three mornings a week Owen and I have gotten a little sister-free time....while we certainly miss is pretty nice to have a few moments alone with this goofy one year old.  It has been a while since I have updated on here it goes (sorry if there are repeats...i'm to lazy to check what i have already reported on).

  • waving, clapping, pointing, hugging/cuddling toys, kisses (watch is more like a head butt)
  • has a seemingly impulsive reaction to throw anything he picks up (with many wonderful wooden toys that and cover)
  • shakes his head no to almost anything...working on yes
  • signs "all done"
  • 8 teeth...4 top front, 2 bottom front and then his first molars on one side 
  • loves brushing his teeth
  • consistently says woof woof when the dogs are outside playing
  • loves putting things in the trash can...or any other sneaky place he can put some small toy or trinket (usually one Isabelle doesn't want him to touch)
  • still nursing, not really interested in cows milk...there was a day when i thought we had made a break through and he drank a cups worth...but since then milk has been a very serious no
  • food he is enjoying....yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, fruit, oatmeal (will eat an adult serving like it is candy), chicken ....trying to work on our veggies...but he is pretty strong willed when it comes to eating
  • getting riskier with his moves...we recently had two days in a row with bloody lips...he just can't help himself when it comes to chairs....any chance he gets he is standing on them (and falling off them...)
  • has very dry skin - while i know the season is somewhat to has gotten pretty bad....lots of super itchy spots that we are trying hard to keep moisturized with a rotation of weleda lotion, shea butter, cerave (recommended by dr) and neosporin anti-itch cream.
  • loves playing with Isabelle (most of the time), trying to put dress up clothes on, playing peek-a-boo and rocking on the rocking horse
  • can stack 3...maybe 4 blocks at a time
  • enjoying finger painting (thanks for the paints auntie mel & uncle todd!)
  • survived the flu and since then has had two separate incidents of a stomach bug....babies throwing up is not fun!
i'm sure i will think of more things after I hit the publish button...but that's it for now!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

crafting a little love

So, as it turns out...after a bit of exploring...I found I have no Valentines day decorations...well one if you include a heart shaped glass bowl...but thats it!  And for a mama who is falling in love with shnazzing things up a bit...and getting a bit depressed with the negative temperatures (-15 this morning!) Isabelle and I decided to do a bit of V day prep.  Possibly a bit early...but since the last Christmas decorations were taken down the house seems a bit blah.  While crafting, Isabelle and I talked a bit about what valentines day is this morning...mostly that we get to remind the people we love that we love them so so much...and now she has now a laundry list of v day cards to get done before the holiday.  She let out a big sigh after counting many names on her hands and toes...and decided she had best start by making two cards a very organized (so unlike her mama).

Here we are getting our craft on for V day...

Isabelle wet felting some hearts....tutorial HERE
a few hearts drying
a little beading with pipe cleaners (inspired by this blog)
first she was tasked with finding all the pink/red/white/clear beads and then beading...I think she was more into sorting the beads than the actual process of beading today (after one heart was made she proclaimed "i'm crafted out mama")
felted hearts strung and beaded pipe cleaner heart
and mama found some pink and red fabric leftovers...a heart ribbon (who knew!)...and voila...a new v-day bunting

The decorations have definitely helped brighten up the place and have us all feeling the love a little more today!  Hope you have a great day and are feeling the love too!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Giddy up!

Owen rockin' the rocking horse.

He has figured out how to get on and off by himself and is able to maneuver the thing from one end of the room to the other (by rocking so hard that it moves).  He loves to make mama wince.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

a preschool day

In December Isabelle started preschool.  This was a long and well thought out decision.  For some, sending your kids to preschool is a no brainer...for us (maybe more so me) felt like a giant leap.  I will spare you my long drawn out thought process, in the end it was simple...Isabelle really loves to play with friends and really needs consistent interaction with friends to feel comfortable.  Her first day she was slightly reluctant but when I went to pick her up she was all smiles.  From that day on she has asked to go to preschool everyday.  She loves it.  She made a few friends, loves to talk about how silly the boys are, crafts and plays a lot.  So, here is what a preschool day for Isabelle looks like...

She picks out her outfit...ALL by herself...
while I chase make sure he isn't trying to hurt himeslf
Isabelle loves to lay out her clothes for me before putting them on...often making her floor  person doing something she is waving
she dresser herself...and shows it off a bit
a little more hamming for the camera while owen practices using the toaster
she puts on her coat, hat, scarf, mittens and boots ALL by herself
here we are at school...we show off our cubby
she washes her hands... (she picked this she could show off her fancy braid)
Here is isabelle by some of their classroom artwork...they did some wet on wet painting and then their teacher asked them if they could wish upon a star what would they wish for....hers is the top right one (bolder colors)
Isabelle wished she could live closer to her family....
side note: isabelle and i talked about what we wished she didn't answer in school (still working on verbal communication with teachers).

Other things she wished for were:
to have a play date with her Idaho buddy Maggie
to watch busytown (since the flu we have purged media again...)
to have ice cream for breakfast
(after my funny look) for ice cream to be a healthy food
to have a baby sister
to get more chicks
for grammy & grampy to come visit and bring that wooden barn
to wear her fairy wings to school

I don't have many pictures of isabelle in action at school but when we picked her up after lunchtime this is what she told us she did/learned:

They read a book about pyramids and mummies.
Some pyramids have eyes in the top that open up. (?)
Mummies are people that died.
There are cats in pyramids.
(there was a lot of talk then about death...a subject i'm not sure I'm hitting a home run on explaining)
She crafted with colored sand and glue, she first chose pink sand and then chose other colors.
She played in the snow outside.
She played with her friends Adrianna & Stella.
She was really excited because today was her day to bring in snack...all her friends liked the cinnamon popcorn and clementines she brought.
There were big kids at school today.
(it was MLK and some neighboring older kids came in for care as their parents still had to work).
Mr. Jeff (teacher/owner's husband) stood on the counter today.
She sat next to Adrianna & Stella at lunch.
She ate all her carrots.
She was really happy to see Owen and mama at lunch time.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

play - eat {repeat}

Yes, that is what we do.  Play - eat - play...sure there are other things going on through out the day...but the real important stuff is eating and playing...both seriously hard (and fun!) work.  Now that we are all flu free I feel like my kids (especially Owen) are ravenous... No really...he is eating all the time.  Which is great because I suspect he lost some weight and we don't want to have to go back to monthly weighings..(yes we are not doing those anymore!!).

Over the past few months Isabelle and Owen have really started to play...well Isabelle sort of bosses brother around and he willingly and happily plays along with sissy's requests.   I often hear Isabelle yelling "Owen come find me"...."No buddy this is mine and this is yours"...."Owen put it gently on the floor (indicating his arm is in full throw position...likely with a wooden toy)..."Hey Owen c'mere"...."Owi you wanna play peek-a-boo"....and it goes on.  My favorite so far is hearing them cracking up over something that is obviously super funny - I don't dare peek in to disturb the giggles...

My best guess as to what they were playing was "hiking with kitties" seemed they were going on a long hike, somewhere cold...and possibly to reunite kittens with their lost mama (?not sure?)
scarves added for warmth on this cold hike
and off he goes...following sissy as she yells "OWEN C'MON!"
popcorn snacking....adele is a fan (owen slips her one every other kernel)
as is isabelle...
and most definitely owen....

Friday, January 18, 2013

avoiding the inevitable

She is growing up.  Right before my eyes.  Everyday.  And there is nothing I can do to stop it.

These are words I struggle with, everyday, my beautiful, sassy, shy, loving and caring daughter is growing up....little by little.  And well it is scary...really scary!  You may have noticed (or maybe it is my mama guilt) that Isabelle has been slightly absent from the blog lately.  It isn't that she isn't worthy of being written about (never!)...just when I sit down to write something about my dear little gets me sort of emotional!  And I end up ditching the post and moving onto something else.  As a young mother I spent a whole lot of time saying..."I can't wait until she can do _____".  Now, she owns so many of those is hard for me to keep up with and...well be okay with.  Isabelle started preschool well over 2 months ago and has been loving it.  I have wanted to share...but felt the need to digest all the changes in my girl internally a bit more before sharing with you all.  Because she is changing and becoming a most lovely little girl...not a toddler...not a baby...she is a little girl.  Posting things here, on this blog, sometimes makes things more real in my brain - so I will try to stop avoiding the inevitable and embrace my baby growing up (and there starts the waterworks...).

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas 2012 {yep still catching up}

It is hard to believe that the holidays have come and gone!  But we are mid January and I am finally posting about Christmas....For the holidays we first traveled down to D.C. to spend Christmas with Auntie Mel, Uncle Todd, Conner & Nana.  Thankfully the kids traveled pretty well and we had a blast with family.  One of the days we took the train into the city to check out the natural history museum...I managed to pull out my camera at least once...Isabelle loved the insect section (of course) and the mammal section.

exploring the dinosaurs
mama being silly
moments before Owen threw the wooden rattle square in the middle of Isabelle's head...
that was the beginning of the end of our trip to the museum

Christmas morning Isabelle was up and ready...for this four year old is totally into Christmas (cough cough...opening presents...).  Isabelle made out like a bandit...lots of beautiful wooden toys, clothes, craft supplies and more.  Thankfully Owen was happy with the reindeer's "leftover" carrot....

Owen with his carrot...Isabelle not so patiently waiting for the adults to get their orange juice (cough cough...mimosas)
opening stockings
auntie mel & uncle todd
Owen helping dad
a pile of wrapping paper...oh and a baby!
Owen looking impressed by the ornament (impressed that he couldn't break that one...)
After Christmas we headed back up to Rhode Island to spend more time with family...and well we were greeted with warm open arms of SICK PEOPLE...and well you know the rest of the story.  We came home and ended up sick for nearly 2 weeks.  SO thank you RI family for everything...especially the flu. xoxo

**just kidding we love you oh so time we will just wear face masks or something...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Owen birthday {part two}

Oh is true...another photo overload...I am certainly glad I split this birthday into two posts.  Owen's birthday was full of lots of fun.  Owen seemed to be pleased with the day...starting things off with some blueberry pancakes and ending with cupcakes...not too bad!  One of the things that I cherish most about this blog is that I get to look back and read and re-read everything that has happened over the past year.  Owen has proven to be a big old handful and we love every bit of him.  If you want to take a trip down memory lane with me you can check out his birth story or one of his weekly or monthly updates...I know I sure have spent too much time looking at them.

taking a moment to remember our first moments
birthday boy got some blueberry pancakes (with syrup!)
a new owen's birthday tradition...gingerbread house making!
loves from nana
a gingerbread house close up
Owen with his birthday crown (mama made)
Owen with his new cuddle doll (mama made) and rocking horse (picked up for free from a local family!)
not so sure about his first horsie ride (now he loves it...i promise!)
sissy showing him how it is done
birthday snuggles from sis (in his new car seat or shall we say car throne)
working on puzzles
getting ready for cupcakes!
grampy feeding him the "good stuff" ...frosting...