Ok so, I am in no better blogging shape than I was last week. My camera, she collects dust these days, and inspiration to write is bleak. I think mainly because there are many things floating so dramatically through my brain right now. Want a glimpse…? Read on.
photo credit to isabelle…. me trying to catch a nap…how silly mama is
Aaron traveled many days over the last few weeks - 5 days here, 3 days there, and another 5 days…all this spread over just a few weeks. It was exhausting for both of us. I often joke that it is easier solo parenting because you have no expectation of what the other person is going to do…but that is just that…a joke. I have no clue how single parents do it - and no desire to find out. I love Aaron and while co-parenting is challenging on its own level, single parenting I feel must be impossible. I digress, one of Aaron's trips was to Georgia for an interview. Georgia and interview in one sentence, ugh. Yes, most of you already know - for those of you in remotely close distance I have likely drummed on and on about my anxiety about moving South (
sorry you have to hear it again). The interview went great and of course he has been offered the job. And in the most ambiguous academic way he hasn't exactly been offered anything official as they are still trying to figure out if we are serious about the position. I guess there is a lot of unofficial bargaining that happens before an official contract is written up. The figures that have been exchanged are compelling, to say the least. I believe we can do anything, as nothing is permanent. We can always choose to do something else, take another path if this path doesn't fit. I remind myself this could be an amazing experience. But my heart hurts thinking about moving around my small family. This small family of mine has little roots in this cold Vermont soil and pulling them out will shock us a bit. I know with a little water and warmth those roots will set again…but it doesn't mean it won't be challenging. And potentially even more challenging, the thought of having to do it again in another 4 or 5 years.
I don't know if we are going to move to Georgia. Not knowing is my least favorite part. There is much to discuss and a whole lot of ignoring happening. A visit is in the works, tickets will be purchased and I can only hope Tifton, Georgia has more to offer than I think it does. Georgia isn't the only thing on my mind these days - but I will hold off on sharing anymore until the time is right.