This post started with a long rant regarding Isabelle and Owen's ability to plow through art supplies. It felt good to write my frustrations and then after they were written I let them go. We are moving in a really good direction. We are slowing down, working and creating together. Art is a big part of our life at the moment and we learn so much through it. Art is not another subject we visit once a week, it is what we do each and every day. Allowing time and space for Isabelle and Owen to have unlimited time to create is what they want and need. Their days are woven together with imaginative play and creating.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
connecting creatively
Monday, January 26, 2015
guilt free sick days
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
cleaning fairies
Saturday morning I awoke to quiet chatter coming from the kids room. As I slipped out the door, babe on hip, and into the sound Isabelle asked me for a sponge..."make that two sponges mama". I frowned, but said sure (no further questions regarding why she needed said sponges...) and pulled out an old sponge from under the sink and cut it in half (genius move...for 5:20 in the morning...). You see, Isabelle goes on to explain, there are new fairies in our home and they inspect how tidy our home is - and apparently our home is very dirty (her words not mine). Oh my, I love these fairies already...however judgmental they may be on my very dirty home. Anyways, the loaded with sponges and old yogurt containers filled with sudsy water...were on their way to clean up the place so the fairies could judge their cleaning skills. They scrubbed the floors and walls to the soft tunes of a wind up carousel horse.
I made a cup of coffee and Arlo and I snuggled on the couch watching Isabelle and Owen detail the
living room. Mornings are usually so ugly and I accepted this gift and went right along with it. I even made up a song to sing to the fairies to let them know they could come judge the cleaning...
Cleaning fairies tidy and small,
come and check the floor, table and walls.
Have we cleaned enough now?
When you approve we'll take a bow!
The fairies approved and milk was warmed for oatmeal
before 6 a.m.
Monday, January 19, 2015
There is much to say about all the changes around here. In particular our choice to not re-enroll Isabelle in school in Virginia. Yes there was serious deliberation over this, but when it came down to was quite simple. People choose to homeschool for various reasons and I'm not sure exactly where my allies fall but it is somewhere in the middle I'm sure.
Moving has been an opportunity for us to explore this world and see how it fits in our lives. In Vermont both Aaron and I were ever so comfortable with the small scale, well supported and tight knit community that Isabelle's school was. Her kindergarten class had 9 kids, two teachers, there was a total of 200 students (k-6), each class had their own garden supported by the local organic CSA, they spent time in the forest, playing and learning. That school was a family and I knew Isabelle felt loved and supported in her needs there. Moving away from the dream public school to an area with a much greater population and school system that is so dense, does not afford this luxury. I'm sure the schools here are great, but both Aaron and I had a hard time swallowing the thought of Isabelle attending a large school and with financial restrictions private is not an option. Additionally still being in a renters market we weren't comfortable with the thought of Isabelle hopping between schools while we figure out where we will settle.
This is a subject that I know will be visited and revisited (possibly in nauseating detail) in this space. It is on my mind, the empowerment and freedom along side the self doubt and fears. This is a journey that I have opened my heart to and am prepared to stay open minded about on all levels - traditional schooling or in the home. We will always try our best to do what we feel is best for our kids and our family.
Books by unschooling pioneers such as John Holt are stacked high, waldorf curriculum is dog eared on almost every page, math and phonics resources so graciously shared by Isabelle's VT 1st grade teacher are usually scattered on the kitchen counter, the table is only cleared long enough to eat before it is piled with a mountain of crafts or story writing, and the basket of library books grows by the week. This is uncharted territory for us... so wild, messy and exciting.
![]() |
the first day of first grade (in VT) |
Moving has been an opportunity for us to explore this world and see how it fits in our lives. In Vermont both Aaron and I were ever so comfortable with the small scale, well supported and tight knit community that Isabelle's school was. Her kindergarten class had 9 kids, two teachers, there was a total of 200 students (k-6), each class had their own garden supported by the local organic CSA, they spent time in the forest, playing and learning. That school was a family and I knew Isabelle felt loved and supported in her needs there. Moving away from the dream public school to an area with a much greater population and school system that is so dense, does not afford this luxury. I'm sure the schools here are great, but both Aaron and I had a hard time swallowing the thought of Isabelle attending a large school and with financial restrictions private is not an option. Additionally still being in a renters market we weren't comfortable with the thought of Isabelle hopping between schools while we figure out where we will settle.
taking the plunge |
it's - "you can only use materials from the scrap paper and recycling bin day" the messiest day of the week |
Books by unschooling pioneers such as John Holt are stacked high, waldorf curriculum is dog eared on almost every page, math and phonics resources so graciously shared by Isabelle's VT 1st grade teacher are usually scattered on the kitchen counter, the table is only cleared long enough to eat before it is piled with a mountain of crafts or story writing, and the basket of library books grows by the week. This is uncharted territory for us... so wild, messy and exciting.
And so together - we learn.
Friday, January 16, 2015
I said I wouldn't try to catch up...but there are certainly somethings worth sharing. Lets start with Arlo - yeah that baby - that sweet sweet bundle of baby. I emptied my camera photos this week to find a few gems and then dug through my iPhone to give a proper chronological briefing on the cuteness of the last few months. Arlo was dubbed "adora-bee" by Isabelle at first sight and when we forget him name (yes that really happens) or are feeling slightly silly call him Oojie-sauce or Ooo-lo.
At the moment Arlo is inch-worming his way around the house, trying his hardest to find a shred of paper that escaped the mountain-o-art. He is trying out some solid food here and there but still prefers to nurse - and i don't really have time/energy to feed that sort of works out! Belly laughs at his ridiculous brother and sister and will give most passing strangers a gummy grin. He makes my heart melt each day, deprives me of a full nights rest and is just 100% perfect.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Coming home
We have been in Virginia for about 3 months now, this is a hard pill to swallow. Part of my reasons for the blog break was because I couldn't quite put my feelings into words, nor did I want to. This move and transition has been particularly hard. I have been (and still am) gentle with myself and moving slowly. Noticing my true feelings - both emotional and physical. For the past 3 months I haven't felt particularly great about the move and I have tried to stay true to that. I think I have received looks of concern and oddity. When people ask me how things are going, I am honest....I will say..."it sucks" or "I'm pretty sad" or "I really miss home" etc. etc. Most people, I believe, expect a sugar coated answer - but I have been relentless with honesty (such wisdom was received from some wonderful friends) and it is starting to ever so slowly pay off. Over the holidays we headed "home" - first stop RI and then up to VT. It was a bit of a whirl wind. We spent time with friends and family, stayed up too late, laughed, cried (a lot), ate too much food, day dreamed, sat by a cozy fire, put out the flames that spat from my three year old, and romped in the snow at temperatures hovering 0. It was beautiful, inspiring and chaotic - just what I needed to realize I needed to go my new Virginia. It is terribly cliche, but oh so true, home is where the heart is - where my whole family is - where our things rest - where I can freely walk around in my undies and a cup of coffee.
Truth is, I'm not quite sure why we are here, aside from the obvious financial stability, I know deep down there must be other reasons life has called us here. My eyes are now a little more open and I will be searching quietly and carefully.
Truth is, I'm not quite sure why we are here, aside from the obvious financial stability, I know deep down there must be other reasons life has called us here. My eyes are now a little more open and I will be searching quietly and carefully.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
a dirty dirty band aid
Big inhale....bigger exhale....
and repeat.
Here we are. Nearly 6 months after my last post - we are here. I truly don't even know where to instead of trying to go back and re cap the last few months I will share our holiday note. I know most of you have read it, but - at the very least - it brings us back up to speed. I won't spend much time trying to catch up, that sounds way to daunting and my mama brain is fried.
Hello friends & family!
My what a year it has been! The year started, much like the year before – both Aaron and I working full time and bustling through our days. With a belly swelling by the day and the desire to slow down just a bit I took the plunge back into the stay-at-home mama role. Life really never did slow down, but I do believe we are all enjoying it much more. Isabelle finished Kindergarten with a passion for writing and her everlasting desire to create was only nurtured by her afterschool pals. Isabelle turned 6 in June and enjoyed the summer with friends, learning to swim, camping, and even a few beach days. Owens language burst from disconnected sentences to full on conversations, has an infectious laugh, usually allows sis to guide him in play and will always find the highest spot to jump from – making my heart skip a beat each time. That swollen belly I mentioned before finally came to its maximum capacity and on July 9th we graciously welcomed Arlo into our family. Another homebirth and one that- like all other labors and deliveries- I will never forget. Sure the pain may fade, but those first few moments when Arlo came into this world will forever be etched into my mind. The summer seemed to be swallowed whole with baby and before we knew it Isabelle was packing her backpack again for her first day of first grade. Soon after Isabelle started school we got some news we had been awaiting – Aaron landed an amazing job with the National Park Service in Fredericksburg, VA. As soon as the excitement washed over, the reality of leaving Vermont settled – and in all honesty still hasn’t settled. We have left yet another beautiful family of friends we will never forget. Vermont will always hold a very special place in our hearts. We are here – in Virginia – and breathing, settling and gently letting ourselves transition into this new space. There is much to be grateful for – a permanent job for Aaron, our health and food on the table. We chose to homeschool this year – it has been a learning process for all of us, but I can honestly say I am enjoying Isabelle being home and learning along side her. 2014 had a few heavy-hearted goodbyes as well– our two cats both passed away far too young. Shortly before and after moving we adopted two new cats (lets just call it feline therapy) and haven’t regretted Banjo and Maple joining our crew one bit. Owen just turned the ripe old age of 3 on December 16th and Arlo (at 5 ½ months) has started to creep across the floor (oh my). We welcome winter solstice and the coming light that will fill our minds and bodies with soul quenching warmth, we bid farewell to another year and we welcome 2015. Life is sweet, so so sweet.
Warm blessings and a happy holiday to all!
It's a choppy start...but at least it is here. Starting to blog again, for me, is like ripping of a band aid - quick and dirty.
To 2015 and blogging ....cheers!!
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