Tuesday, November 29, 2011

the belly cast

isabelle prepping herself...gloves on!

Last night I decided it was time to finally break out the belly cast kit I ordered a month ago.  At first I was super excited to cast my belly and then well it sort of fizzled and I wondered why I had purchased the kit in the first place.  But last night, at a ripe 39 weeks and feeling like I could pop any time now, we decided it was do or "due"...because if we didn't do it now I would surely go into labor and I would miss the opportunity to cast this huge belly.  And let me tell you it is huge...

my belly cast
 (no comments necessary on my sausage fingers...)

And well, I am so happy we did it!  I think it came out awesome and I am looking forward to sanding and painting it at some point....I think I would like to put all our hand prints onto the belly including babies once he or she arrives.  And well, then some might wonder what on earth you do with a belly cast...and well I don't have that exact answer....but for now I'm happy I have it and it will always remind me of the 9 months I carried this little person.

Today I had an appointment with the midwives and everything is going perfect.  I am measuring spot on - 40 cm today, perfect blood pressure, and yes still gaining weight....  One of my midwives is convinced the baby is a boy and she predicts it will come this weekend.  I'm game for anytime now and am upping my prenatal tea, planning to take lots of long walks, and will start taking evening primrose oil tonight.  

I'm so ready!


  1. I think we need to plan another Skype date ASAP before that little one decides to come!

  2. Caitlyn, I think you need to prepare it to be displayed as a sculpture in your home or maybe an art gallery someday! Of course, it helps in the meantime if you have a good size walk-in closet....I hope your baby comes soon! Love, Judy

  3. Melissa - yes, i will be in touch soon! I know isabelle would love to chat with miss maggie

    Judy - thanks so much, i really love the way it turned out too... we are hoping baby comes soon too!

  4. That looks awesome!!!! Not like a frog at all!!! Very impressive and beautiful! A BOY,oh wow!!!! Can't wait to meet little Arlo!! Or how 'bout Emmerson?!?!

  5. If I could only convince Aaron on Arlo...it will be an uphill battle i will likely lose...wahhh..:(
