Wednesday, February 29, 2012


ok first time attempting video...let me know if it doesn't work..

 Owen ~10 Weeks:
Weight: 10 lbs 10.5 oz
Length: 22 3/4"
Head circumference: 15 1/2"

Owen had his two month appointment a little late but those are his current stats - growing and growing.  I like this doctor because she has never given us the percentile...likely because he is in the 5th or something silly like that - i make small babies (go figure).  Owen impressed his doc with his big arm and neck muscles by holding his head up and looking all over, he showed her how he can bring both hands up to his mouth to chew on, "talked" up a storm of baby coos, sent her a few smiles and even showed off his spit up moves...  She agreed with my self (internet) diagnosis of "happy spitter" - his tummy & esophagus just need to finish developing and the "happy" spitter will spit no more (hopefully- can you sense my exaggerated eye roll).  Owen makes great eye contact, follows his animated sissy all over the place with those big eyes, and responds really well to sound.  He is still nursing every 1-2 hours, even at night, but I have found that white noise helps him find a deeper sleep - a sleep I can even put him down with (prior to this he only slept in the sling or tucked into mama's arm nook).  Currently he is napping, alone, with the radio on fuzz - amazing.  We talked about buying a noise machine for him...but go figure...there's an app for that and I now have a sleep machine on my iphone (OH for the love of technology...yup your right that is big eye roll #2).  

Owen received one shot yesterday instead of the prescribed few - we are sticking with a different vaccine schedule (the same we followed with isabelle) where he only gets one shot per visit.  This little guy seems quite sensitive - can't wear synthetic material with out breaking out and his skin responds to even the most natural (and most expensive) lotions...(his skin is really dry due to the weather i presume...)... so until i know his little body can handle vaccinations this is our plan and our doctor supports and encourages that is a plus.  

Owen is one cute little bundle of man and we are still relishing in all that is baby these days - yes even with all that spit up i still smile right back.  It is so cliche and I try not to say it all the time...but they get so big so fast - Owen is really helping me be more present these days - i just don't want to miss a beat.

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