So much has happened over the past month. I will bullet as this will be easier for me (
thanks melissa for making it okay to bullet baby accomplishments...).
- crawling, this month we officially left the army crawl behind and are crawling. everywhere.
- pulling up to standing position. on everything.
- climbing up the stairs. (insert mama banging her head on the wall here)
- responds to name- he has been doing that for a while, but now his response is a quick look with a big grin and a faster crawl...
- not sure if it is coincidence but is always saying dah dah dah at the dog
- very interested in anything that is in sisters hands
- using his forefinger and thumb to pick up rice puffs...and usually getting them into his mouth
- sipping from a sippy cup...sort of
- refusing a bottle (of mama's milk) and still loving the boob
- still eating through a syringe most of the time. he is eating 3 times a day and enjoying plain yogurt, mangos, peaches and pears. yes the darn sweet stuff...because it is all he will eat and i am desperate....see next bullet. he also enjoys feeding himself steamed veggies (more sucking and chewing...not swallowing).
- failing to g-r-o-w (or thrive, as the doctor wrote). it is true, at his last weigh in we saw very little growth. we are awaiting some blood/urine analysis to rule out any major issues. i'm not worried, because i can't allow myself to worry. he is just small and refused food for a long time. i know he is growing...just a tad on the slow side. i guess trying to bonsai my baby is backfiring...wink wink.
- sleeping THROUGH the night...ALL the way through. yes, it is so amazingly true. all those months of sleepless nights are (hopefully) over. This is partially due to mama giving up and putting him in his pack-n-play in the sun room (this strangely resembles when isabelle ended up in the sunroom of our place in Kingston, yes?). I let him cry...and boy did he cry. i stayed with him the first few nights and then gradually got myself back into my bed. And now i haven't heard him wake up once in the past week. marvelous! I think he and mama both are catching up on 8 months of sleep deprivation....
- TWO bottom front teeth have broken through this month...thankfully my nipples weren't the ones who found out...Aaron felt them a few days ago (with his finger) pictures of a toothed grin yet
- and yes, still the cutest baby in my world
enjoying his steamed summer squash & zucchini |
yes the cutest |
eat boy eat! |
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