loving the frog and giggling at sissy on the whale (see below) |
how did this boy get so "big"? |
yes, he loves slides...the faster the better... |
working on her pumping skills |
more sliding... |
a quick snooze break |
is it just the mama hormones or is he the cutest thing ever? i'll just stick with the cutest thing ever. and no, i will not be cutting his mullet anytime soon. |
An extension of our mother's day adventure...we brought the kids to Elizabeths park in Bradford, VT...a most excellent park that the kids love. I had forgotten to mention that Isabelle had ended up sick on Friday, and most Friday night had been spent yet again with a throwing up child. I feel like so far (until this year) we have been a relatively healthy family...
but this year....well...nothing short of the sickest I think we have all been in a long time. It almost seems that as soon as I think we are all healthy and good to go...someone starts vomiting. No really...it is crazy.
So here's to a new week and healthy kids.
He really is getting so big! And so freakin cute (the mullet's awesome too)!