Yes our little farm, while she may be soggy, is full of life these days. Unfortunately this does include life that is not so welcome...
like those rats and flea & cucumber least we have a bug guy in our clan to deter them! Lettuce is growing fast and is
oh so tender (those first few salads are always my favorite), beans, carrots, beets and radishes are sprouting, tomatoes are thriving...yes this is a good time in the garden. In a very short amount of time it will be busting at the seems and paths we thought would be wide enough will all but dissappear. We do love this garden and those that tend it. Speaking of which, the extra garden spot we gained (when Indie the horse moved) is now shared garden space with our neighbors. We have planted in this rich soil rows upon rows of corn for the pigs (
coming soon!), potatoes, pumpkins, celery, onions, squash and watermelons. More hands for weeding and eating are always welcome! The meat chickens have entered their not so cute, adolescent pullet, state. Barred rock is on top of the pecking order with the laying hens (we lost our rhody red a few weeks ago...
she just was quite sad). And we seem to have someone controlling our rat population (
beware the photo below if you don't want to see a big dead rat!)
the main garden (where we planted last year) |
a boy always seizing a see-saw opportunity |
meat chickens |
the man behind the garden |
barred rock...still on top of her game...even while she molts |
the dead rat (aaron thinks sid got it....if so i am very impressed he is finally earning his keep!) |
rows and rows of corn |
a shot of some of the new garden space -and all the green weed filled area (we think skull cap?!) is where those three little piggies will reside! |
oh we have lots of garden help! |
yes this is a good time of year for a soggy farm.
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