Saturday, July 27, 2013

field trip!

This week I had the pleasure of chaperoning my first field trip!  Off to the polar caves we went, a back seat full of lanky 5-8 year olds and a whole lot of giggles.  I love seeing Isabelle in her school element, she plays so freely with her friends and is oh so independent of mama.  Here are a few fleeting shots of our first of many field trip adventures.


keeping up with the group (no time to stop and take a photo)
no mama help needed...
i even got to improvise a little gnome story...of course i told them all a story about pine cone and pepper pot...our two favorite gnomes...
a condensed version of my story was:All gnomes have long pointy hats and at the tippity top there is a glimmering light.  When the gnomes travel deep into the rocks to look for special gems their glimmering light atop their hats glows brightly for them and makes a path of light.  So when you are down below in the rock caves and you see little shining or twinkly rocks (which we did!) it just might be a fleeting gnome cap!


these are days when being a mom really sinks is weird....really weird...but so amazing.
Being a mom with lots of silly gnome stories up your sleeve sort of always rules.

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