and don't you eat that yellow snow!
In my short lived Virginia experience, I believe most people we have met along the way are quickly exhausted by temperatures below 40 and inclement weather. I internally laugh (and sometimes out loud...) anytime someone says "I just can't wait for spring" or "I'll look forward to the snow being gone". I mean...really?....It has snowed once. It is my observation that most people don't invest in proper gear, resulting in poor outdoor experiences. No kid or adult wants cold, wet feet or fingers.
Hesitating to invest money in something their growing kids might wear a handful of times a year isn't a high priority and this is something I get (sort of). And complaints regarding weather are all relative...I will likely be the hot, sweaty, and smelly mama refusing antipersperant, limiting climate control, and crying about the humidity this summer. In fact, I know this will be true. So yeah, Virginia friends I'm totally not trying to white wash you - in fact there is a nice handful of you that appreciates this weather as much as we do - and if you are one of the many counting the days down to spring...well that is ok too.
My rant diverges.
So, what I'm really trying to get at is....this snow has been awesome. I mean ...the snow itself was dry and not exactly snowman material...nevertheless there have been attempts, there has been sledding, Aaron has reveled in teaching the kids Zappa lyrics about yellow snow, snowball fights, and walks in the woods (err...along paved paths). But it really has done us good. The air is crisp and there is a fleeting sense - almost an urgency most days to get out and lay down in the cold stuff while it is here.