Wednesday, April 8, 2015

a little of this and that

My camera and brain seemed to have disconnected a bit this weekend and I'm sad to say I didn't snap one photo over the holiday weekend - it was an Easter-Aaron birthday eggsravaganza....!!  It was fun...but was tiring and I'm happy it is over!!  Here are a few of the sweeter moments from the prior week.

morning yoga
a fifth bowl of oatmeal devoured by arlo 
maple looking for leftovers
sweet pants dad!
Aaron (in those super awesome waders he is sporting) took the kids and a few other homeschool families out for one of his water quality surveys he does with the National Park Service.  They all got their hands on some sort of aquatic insect, checked out a beaver dam, and inevitably got their pants and sleeves wet.

cake pans full of crayfish and caddisfly larvae
crane fly larvae 
a smiling baby
and this lovely lazy cat (who is so much more friendly post snip snip)

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