Thursday, May 26, 2011

and then there were 4

Many of you have already heard the big news but we are pleased to announce that we are expecting baby #2 in early December - which makes me just over 12 weeks at the moment.

Aaron and I went out for mexican food prior to the ultrasound and we think the baby liked it... he/she was dancing all over the place!

Pregnancy thus far has been different...  I have felt continuously nauseous and overwhelmingly tired.  And well the only "cure" to the nausea is eating so I have also put on a few pounds I'm not so crazy about.  Good news is it seems the nausea is starting to go away and I am feeling a little more energy every day now.


Pregnancy is also very different this time because it was planned!  While Isabelle was the biggest surprise of the century and also the most wonderful gift we could have ever asked for she was not exactly planned (not that we would ever change a thing!!!).  There is a subtle sense of calmness and confidence about having this baby that Aaron and I are both really appreciating at the moment.

Isabelle isn't too sure what to think yet.  She seems to think the baby should be a girl so she can have a baby sister and sometimes just ignores us when we talk about it.  And sometimes when she is silly or making herself laugh she tells me that the baby is laughing too...

We are also choosing to have a very different birth this time around, for lots of different reasons (that maybe I will divulge into some other time).  Aaron and I have chosen to have a planned home birth with this baby with the help of a midwife (hopefully none of you are gasping for air...).  We are really excited for the opportunity to have a birth our way in the comfort of our home (and for those of you that might of gasped a little... don't worry there is a hospital less than 2 miles away).

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