We had an amazing hike this past weekend at Kamiak Butte, a small county park with a great 3.5 mile hike that gives awesome panoramic views of the Palouse (at the top we were at about 3,600 ft...keeping in mind we are already at about 2,000 ft above sea level). We decided to forgo Isabelle's backpack and see how far we got... and well believe it or not she hiked almost the entire way (yeah...3.5 miles)! Not only did we have stellar views of the Palouse but we saw tons of wildflowers. I think the flowers fueled Isabelle's feet- she happily trotted along pointing out all the flowers along the way.
Shooting Stars (Dodecatheon alpinum)
Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)
Western Wake Robin (Trillium ovatum)
Indian Paint Brush (Castilleja applegatei)
Blue Bells (Mertensia oblongifolia)
Grass Widows (Sisyrinchium inflatum)
Glacier Lillies (Erthonium graniflorum)
Fairy Slipper (Calypso bulbosa)
Isabelle & a view of the Palouse
Isabelle & Daddy love
p.s. if I have misidentified any of the flowers above let me know!
Aaron that is an awesome picture of both of you.Love, Mom/Nana