Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5 months!

Wow...could it be?  Five months already...seems crazy!  Anyways, yes, it is true...Mr. Owen (bubba, bubs, spit master, owzie bowzie, cheese maker, emcee stink pants) is five months.  He is full of expressions these days....the usual is the OMG look of concern mixed with lots of smiles and crocodile tears.  He still hates the car seat most of the time (just experienced it first hand), still has a pretty runny/goopy right eye, and yes!! is still spitting up...but not as much ...thank goodness.  Owen's newest thing is a shriek/scream to get our attention...he is becoming a bit more demanding and knows how to get his point across.  In the last week he has also been extremely fussy and not sleeping well...which leads me to think that teething is beginning...but no confirmation on that yet.  He is still enjoying most of his time on his belly and can spin himself around in a circle on the hard wood floor to get the best view of sister.  His arms, belly, and neck are getting stronger and those little legs are always kicking...I just tell him to slow down...crawling can wait right?!  My arm tends to be more sore at the end of the day so I suppose that means he may have put on a half a pound or more and this past month he also had his first cold...which he was a champ through I must say.  Owen is also more interested in toys and grabbing his sophie giraffe or wooden ring and bringing it up to his mouth to gnaw on...he has even managed to grab a fist full of Isabelle's hair...which she still thinks is just funny (i promise that will fade soon...).  Since moving to Vermont, Owen has also had his crib set up and has been napping in it and taking his first 2-3 hour nightly stint in the crib...which means mama is reclaiming a small and replenishing part of her life (whoopeee!!!)...night time crafts/movies with dad/or a child-free clean up!  He is still pretty inconsistent at night...and at best sleeps 2-3 hours at a time...I don't look at a clock is just too depressing.  Anyways...Owen is wonderful, growing, and melts my heart every day.


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