Monday, May 7, 2012

To do list

Wow I have so much to do over the next few days I'm not quite sure how it will all ...and since you all love hearing the joys of being a stay at home mom a la goes list for the day:

-grocery shop and go to the W word store...ugh I can't bring myself to even type it
-put groceries away at a time with screaming baby on the other arm (yup i thought going up a small flight of stairs outside would be no biggy....)
-brush isabelle's teeth...I got a whiff of them in the grocery store...nasty
-lunch & blog (in process....)
-let the chickens's hot!
-unpack a realistic number of boxes...3-4?...yeah your right maybe one
-finish setting up the mud room....definitely the most important considering we are all tracking in loads of soggy earth
-sweep/mop (only if the mud room gets done...)
-work on isabelle's indoor play space
-bake bread
-dinner...hmm grilled meat or vietnamese noodle salad...(i love all the options that only grocery day provides)

and all of this will may get done in the midst of wiping boogie noses, over using the neti pot (if you have must!), nursing sick baby, entertaining a certain young lady, and playing referee between the dog & cats...

but it is all good right?!  yup i have the best job in the world

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