Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Owen!

I have a longer post I am hoping to share but it won't be complete in time for the big day...but for now I wanted to say Happy Birthday to the most wonderful little guy I know.  Thanks so much for picking us Owen.....we love you OH so much.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

charlie brown style...

At first I had nixed the christmas tree idea this year....Owen is a handful...and a half...and the idea of a christmas tree sounded like a bad...BAD...idea.  But them came the solution...a charlie brown christmas tree on top of a table...far...FAR...from Owen's reach.  Don't get me wrong...he has tested the durability and stability of the table many times thus far...but thankfully all the shaking he can muster doesn't topple the tree over.  Phew!  

owen...a super big helper
decorating the tree
mama serious face
i have to say i am a pretty big fan of this tree, could be my favorite thus is only straight if you look at it from one angle and is decorated with only handmade christmas ornaments.....she is a beauty!

The holiday season is full of travel plans.  We are headed down to DC to be with family and then up to RI to spend some time with more family.  With Owen's car history the drive is going to be quite possibly scary...but I have faith that we will get through it...i might get my first few gray hairs and I might have a killer head ache the entire ride...but it is well worth it!

Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Playing dentist!

Isabelle had her first dentist visit and after a little persuasion she opened her mouth wide and did a great job!  And now...can one guess what her favorite game to play is...that's right dentist!  To have Isabelle excited about brushing her teeth and playing hygienist with dad is just about perfect.

dad getting his teeth cleaned
now its isabelle's turn....tiny clothes pins came in perfect for making a bib and cleaning teeth (naturally)
and per usual...owen desperately trying to get in on the action

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Chicken harvest 2012

It was a cold december day that friends and family all gathered for a peaceful weekend retreat in rural vermont.  And what is it you ask that brought us all together? Nineteen plump and pleasant chickens ready for the freezer!  We truly are blessed with an amazing group of people that helped us do some dirty work and afterwards celebrated life with.  What an wonderful weekend - thank you all!

Isabelle & Noa coloring
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me heading up with the last of 19 birds
this particular bird was our rooster that lived with our laying hens...he was not very friendly
let this be a lesson!
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max and i
our meat birds I think ranged int he 5-6 lb...some of the cockerels may have been even more
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the plucking and drawing station
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while it may not be the best was cold and sticking your hand in a warm bird cavity had its appeal!
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aaron with his knife skills
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Kirsten and I excited to be almost done!

So far we have had chicken noodle soup and chicken and dumplings is on the menu for dinner tonight. And let me tell you....for chicken...they aren't so bad!  Thanks again for all the help - you know who you are!

all photos (other than the first) were taken by the lovely kelly hanks - thanks xo!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

his new moves

I have a whole lot of blog catching up to do....from owen walking...chicken holiday decorating.  So bare with me folks!

Owen has lots of new moves lately.  He started walking about 6 weeks ago and is now really getting the hang of life on his feet.  He will take up to 12 steps before plopping back down...only to get back up and try again.  This boy is persistent despite my best efforts to keep him horizontal!  He has also learned how to scoot his legs around and safely go down the stairs...which is a blessing as he really thought that going head first wasn't all that bad.....He really is a bit of a dare devil and has the little grin to boot - we are so happy to have full health insurance...this kid has me worried.

big smiles
climbing up stairs
going down the stairs...there are only 3 heart attacks please!

Monday, November 26, 2012


Lots to be thankful is just the tip of the ice berg.

an endless supply of family to color with
a mischievous boy and goofy dog
heated debates over the differences of gnomes and dwarves...
and a father with a GBR (gotta-be-right) issue.....
windy beaches
and a run with grammy

This year, and every year, I am thankful to spend a day filling my belly and my heart with those I love.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


O is very, very, curious and loves getting into anything that presents a challenge.  Getting into cupboards, trash cans, the dishwasher and toilet are his main objectives in life.  And well this mama is having to learn a few new tricks to pre-occupy this little man while maintaining my sanity.  Cupboards...okay....toilet...not okay.    To "help" I have reduced our available toys in half (at least) and have given up on having a booby-trap free kitchen....sacrifices I tell you!

putting dishes in the dishwasher
a toothy grin
pulling everything out of the cupboard
IMG_9535 that he can play peek-a-boo
trying to scale the stove
no need for walkers...owen improvises with anything he can push around the the trash can!
i caught him completely in the drawer throwing out napkins....
when i returned with my camera he was off to check if i had shut the bathroom door...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Attempting his first steps

Last week I caught Owen attempting his first steps...this week he has taken two consecutive steps...

oh dear.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

a wednesday morning

We live in a house of constant motion...and by that I don't mean busy...but just constantly flowing from one activity to the next.  For a moment I was able to take a step away and just walk though the house armed with a is what caught my eye....

rainbows dancing on my walls (thanks to a yard sale prism)
Owen getting some fairy wings (with a little help from sissy)
a birds eye view of a play space turned camping trip
abandoned paints from the wee hours of the morning
thoughtful reminders of our morning rhythm
apparently the reminders are as much for isabelle as they are for me (10:30 am and in jeans & jammies?!..
and lets just say i think that was the only thing i had partially crossed off on the list...)

second breakfast...or early lunch...?
some mama crafts...wooden toys finally got some paint
....still many waiting for paint...
dolly in the works ( and a first birthday is just around the corner folks!)

Monday, November 5, 2012


For some reason I am unable to see my photos while editing my post...oober annoying. anticipated here are a few shots of pre-halloween pumpkin carving, halloween and the days following halloween (still in our outfits of course).  Both costumes were mama (and daddy) made....the rooster was isabelle's owl costume from two years ago (yes...she still fits into it!) with a new chicken head and some tail feathers and owen's gnome costume was a serious game of "wing it"...thank goodness for seam rippers....


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New Trick

standing up without any help...walking is inevitable.
Happy Halloween!  Here is a sneak peak at our little rooster girl...more pictures to come tomorrow (or maybe the next) of all the halloween fun.  We luckily escaped all of Sandy's wrath, family and friends in RI however, not so lucky... and are all in our thoughts today.  We are all excited for a little trick or treating tonight and especially a visit from the sugar sprite tonight...who will be bringing healthy snacks and craft supplies in exchange for that coveted sugary candy.

I have a feeling this costume will be worn a lot longer than just halloween...