Tuesday, January 28, 2014

recently enjoyed moments...

I could go on about the nasty bug that has taken over our house and robbed me of sleep.  I could indulge you on how I had my first (or what at least I consider my first) crazy pregnancy moment…screaming over cake.  I could go on and on about how I am losing patience with my kids and how we all have a little cabin fever.  Or I could just show you a few enjoyed moments - because lets get real - there are lots of enjoyed moments that somehow get drown in my mama pity party that likes to take over my brain.  

this guy
…and his ability to love me when i am teetering on the edge of reality

this project….and progress

this guy…without a runny nose and temperature

this lady… not pulling toys away from her brother

this cake…oh just thank the good spirits above for this cake

Monday, January 6, 2014


The days are long here during the week and when I can't seem to hold my head up any longer I retreat to a more comfortable spot in the house and hope dinner will be cleaned up by someone else ….or just content myself with taking care of it in the morning.  I sneak quietly off as Aaron sings along to Jerry, Isabelle scrunches her face in deep contemplation over connecting two pipe cleaners (without tape…no more tape), and Owen is flying a dragon through the sun room.  A good moment to slip away and I take it….but not before breaking off a last bit of chocolate from my Christmas morning stocking.  I sneak the beloved chocolate in my mouth and throw a quilt over my head - quiet, chocolate, eyes closed, and the sounds of loved ones in the background peacefully co-existing - yes this is a moment of pure bliss.

It isn't long until my gig is up, the dragon boy find me and plops himself in the nook of my legs…laughing at my attempt to apparently play peek-a-boo.  Slowly he ends up right in my face and I swear he can smell the chocolate on my breath.  He holds out his tiny hands and says a pre-emptive and hopeful "think-yooo"….yes I suppose I might have a small piece I can share.