Friday, May 20, 2011

...does that make sense?

I finally finished a sweater for Isabelle I started this past fall... it came out really well other than the fact that it is far to big for her.  Which isn't really a problem, just means that it will be tucked away until she grows a bit (maybe a year or two...).  The pattern is from Reynolds Kid's Collection Hopscotch and I bought the yarn at CDA Yarn & Fiber... and can't seem to locate one of the yarn tags...once I do will note the brand of yarn.

Isabelle reluctantly agreeing to let me try it on her for just a minute...

Another good reason it doesn't fit:  Isabelle only likes purple colored clothing at the moment and in her own words "mama I don't really like blue, sorry, I like purple... does that make sense?" (she is on the "does that make sense" kick lately... I suppose Aaron and I use that one a lot on her)

*sigh*... well hopefully in another year she will love teal as much as I do...

and now onto smaller projects...Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. "Does that make sense" How adorable!
    Love, Nana and GG
