Sunday, June 17, 2012

1/2 a year?!

Wow, that last month flew by...I feel like I just wrote a 5 month post on Owen.  And here we are at month 6!  Owen is now at the point where he is grabbing everything within arms watch out bowl of name it...if it is in front of him...he wants it.  He is still not sitting up completely unsupported...and I don't think this is lack of strength...instead his will to move.  This baby is in constant motion and can't really be bothered with sitting.  He spends most of his time (when not attached to my hip) on his belly twirling himself around in circles to try and keep up with sis, pushing himself backwards, and rolling too and fro.  He can push up all the way onto his hands and has even started to push up his knees...only to quickly flop back down on his belly.

this picture reminds me of a macglaflin baby...not sure if it is the goofy ears or the smirk

Owen loves his rattle, playing peek-a-boo with silks, playing in the grass, and even getting himself some big mouthfuls of dirt.  In the last month we have also said good bye to the weepy eye that he had since he was born.  One day it just worked itself out...which is a good thing because it was super goopy gross.  He also hasn't been spitting up as much or as frequently which is awesome.  Sleep on the other hand is still 2-3 hours at best which is making for one mama who is becoming quite jealous of all those mamas out there and their sleeping babies.

After his first few feedings of dry cereal Owen decided it was gross and wanted nothing to do with it - it looked like we had stuck a prickly bug in his mouth.  However these past few days...he has started to eat some cereal again (likely because the flow is low due to the P word again...) anyways we shall see.  It is nice to not be rushed into giving him solids and to really follow his lead.  He will eat when he is ready!

Wow, hard to believe we have ourselves a 6 month old...?!

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