Monday, March 10, 2014

ding ding ding...round 2

So February was bleak...I am still mad at it and ready to completely abandon the notion of ever being apart of the month again (i don't know what that means either...if you are wondering...but just go with it).  But honestly - when I smack myself into reality - it wasn't all that bad.  We have a lot of love in our family, through all the colds- we are all actually really healthy people, food on the table, a warm home....and so on.  Life is really pretty good.  And one of those silver linings in that just seemed to get lost...was that we found out we are having a baby boy.  Yes, after two surprises I just didn't think I could hold myself back - I just needed to know this time.

I don't know if I can say "I knew", but I can definitely say that this baby reminds me a lot of Owen as he continuously...night and day...kicking and punching my bladder.  He seems to be constantly moving...and well I suppose he is just getting ready...because he has a lot to keep up with. is good.

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