Tuesday, May 22, 2012

supply and demand


I started this post on Sunday...I deleted most of it because it was a rant on how and why on earth I thought I wasn't producing enough milk last week.  Alas...the milk is flowing well again and so I don't want to bore you all with complaints.  Last week was a tough week...with the return of my period (sorry dad...i said the P word...i promise i won't say it again...) I felt like my supply was not meeting demand.  Which, according to the books, the P word isn't supposed to start until weaning or something...but no...lucky me...it returned when Owen was 4 months.  I don't know for sure if my dip in production is because of the hormones or not...what I do know is I was not ready to be worried about milk production - of course I just thought everything would be just hunky dory.

All last week I chugged water, took ridiculous amounts of fenugreek, pumped after each feeding...and nothing...no increase.  But I suppose on a positive note I smelt like maple syrup (they use fenugreek in imitation syrups...).  It was a tough week and with a little gentle pressure from Aaron (meant to be helpful) I caved and Owen had a bottle of stored milk and some oatmeal cereal.  I didn't even take a picture of his goofy face covered in cereal (i don't think he ate much of it)...instead I was sort of mopey about it....thinking to myself that I had wanted to wait for him to sit up un-supported for his first meal.  But it happened and in reality I think it was good for everyone.  In retrospect i have been pretty selfish in the child feeding department - not intentionally - but up until now only I have fed bubs.  Aaron hasn't had the opportunity to feed Owen and connect in that way with him - so it's good...a bottle and a little cereal is okay.

owen's second food experience...of course with a little help from sis

enjoying the moment...

Anyways...on a postive note the P word is almost over and the juice is flowing...so all is right with the world.  Ahhhh the breast feeding saga.  Also in Owen news he is starting more babble sounds... of course da da da ba ba ba...which Aaron takes as a sign of Owen thanking him for the bottle and cereal...sure daddy.


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