Friday, January 18, 2013

avoiding the inevitable

She is growing up.  Right before my eyes.  Everyday.  And there is nothing I can do to stop it.

These are words I struggle with, everyday, my beautiful, sassy, shy, loving and caring daughter is growing up....little by little.  And well it is scary...really scary!  You may have noticed (or maybe it is my mama guilt) that Isabelle has been slightly absent from the blog lately.  It isn't that she isn't worthy of being written about (never!)...just when I sit down to write something about my dear little gets me sort of emotional!  And I end up ditching the post and moving onto something else.  As a young mother I spent a whole lot of time saying..."I can't wait until she can do _____".  Now, she owns so many of those is hard for me to keep up with and...well be okay with.  Isabelle started preschool well over 2 months ago and has been loving it.  I have wanted to share...but felt the need to digest all the changes in my girl internally a bit more before sharing with you all.  Because she is changing and becoming a most lovely little girl...not a toddler...not a baby...she is a little girl.  Posting things here, on this blog, sometimes makes things more real in my brain - so I will try to stop avoiding the inevitable and embrace my baby growing up (and there starts the waterworks...).

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