Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Christmas 2012 {yep still catching up}

It is hard to believe that the holidays have come and gone!  But we are mid January and I am finally posting about Christmas....For the holidays we first traveled down to D.C. to spend Christmas with Auntie Mel, Uncle Todd, Conner & Nana.  Thankfully the kids traveled pretty well and we had a blast with family.  One of the days we took the train into the city to check out the natural history museum...I managed to pull out my camera at least once...Isabelle loved the insect section (of course) and the mammal section.

exploring the dinosaurs
mama being silly
moments before Owen threw the wooden rattle square in the middle of Isabelle's head...
that was the beginning of the end of our trip to the museum

Christmas morning Isabelle was up and ready...for this four year old is totally into Christmas (cough cough...opening presents...).  Isabelle made out like a bandit...lots of beautiful wooden toys, clothes, craft supplies and more.  Thankfully Owen was happy with the reindeer's "leftover" carrot....

Owen with his carrot...Isabelle not so patiently waiting for the adults to get their orange juice (cough cough...mimosas)
opening stockings
auntie mel & uncle todd
Owen helping dad
a pile of wrapping paper...oh and a baby!
Owen looking impressed by the ornament (impressed that he couldn't break that one...)
After Christmas we headed back up to Rhode Island to spend more time with family...and well we were greeted with warm open arms of SICK PEOPLE...and well you know the rest of the story.  We came home and ended up sick for nearly 2 weeks.  SO thank you RI family for everything...especially the flu. xoxo

**just kidding we love you oh so time we will just wear face masks or something...

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