Wednesday, January 21, 2015

cleaning fairies

Saturday morning I awoke to quiet chatter coming from the kids room.  As I slipped out the door, babe on hip, and into the sound Isabelle asked me for a sponge..."make that two sponges mama".  I frowned, but said sure (no further questions regarding why she needed said sponges...) and pulled out an old sponge from under the sink and cut it in half (genius move...for 5:20 in the morning...).  You see, Isabelle goes on to explain, there are new fairies in our home and they inspect how tidy our home is - and apparently our home is very dirty (her words not mine).  Oh my, I love these fairies already...however judgmental they may be on my very dirty home.  Anyways, the loaded with sponges and old yogurt containers filled with sudsy water...were on their way to clean up the place so the fairies could judge their cleaning skills.  They scrubbed the floors and walls to the soft tunes of a wind up carousel horse.

I made a cup of coffee and Arlo and I snuggled on the couch watching Isabelle and Owen detail the
living room.  Mornings are usually so ugly and I accepted this gift and went right along with it.  I even made up a song to sing to the fairies to let them know they could come judge the cleaning...

Cleaning fairies tidy and small,
come and check the floor, table and walls.
Have we cleaned enough now?
When you approve we'll take a bow!

The fairies approved and milk was warmed for oatmeal
before 6 a.m

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