Friday, July 1, 2011

lentil crazy

So I have to admit, when Aaron travels I tend to only eat vegetarian....I'm not sure why but it just ends up being that way.  I stock up and binge on beans, tofu and tempeh.  The likely story behind this is that those around me suffer my fumes... and as much as Aaron might disagree, I do try keep my gas to myself.  Plus eating veg is just easier, cheaper, and well...I just plain like it.  Don't get me wrong I do enjoy eating meat/poultry (a lot) and choose to eat meat/poultry that is humanely raised and local most of the time but when he is gone I just crave the beans (and yes I do "know" what humanely means...I have two degrees in animal science and did a huge portion of my master's within a slaughter house - but I diverge).

And as such I made lentil burgers and Indian Mango Dahl all in one day...and it was amazing and stinky.

I used this recipe with a few tweaks...added toasted sunflower seeds and an egg

so good (and they make me think of my dear friend lila)

In addition, it is finally summer here - which means lots of silliness and a garden that is just going nuts.  This week we harvested tons of lettuce, spinach, kale, radishes, broccoli, and cabbage!

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                                    IMG_5737 IMG_5735
a silly photo series by the pool

aaron's pride & joy

armful(s) of kale!

Today I am working a half a day and then we are hitting the road for a long 3-day weekend of camping, hiking, swimming, and fishing on the Selway River (which is a tributary of the Clearwater River).  Lots of pictures I promise!

1 comment:

  1. that garden is awesome! And love the pics of Isabelle by the pool...hamming it up as she does!
