Tuesday, November 8, 2011

corners of crafty

Today was a crafty sort of day.  Slowly finishing projects and breaking out some that have been abandoned for over a year.  Isabelle is pretty patient with me on days like this and in return I end up stopping every ten minutes to meet her needs - help her dress and undress dolly, read her books, and even join her for a quick dance around the living room.  She also helps by pressing the foot on the sewing machine and "organizing" my yarn.

reversible pants for a special lady
(quick change trousers from handmade beginnings by anna maria horner)

more baby bonnets

a christmas stocking i started in 2009 for isabelle
yes it is definitely time to just finish it...

I have to admit that I must have had a premonition that I would have lots of time and little money to splurge on crafting supplies because I have been so preoccupied with my stash it has been wonderful....while I do crave a trip to the yarn shop, the fabric store, or an online splurge on craft items I know I have lots to work through first.  I remember thinking it was ridiculous to buy loads of cashmere/silk baby yarn with no project (it was just such a good deal!) and that time I thought I would sew up dresses and aprons....well now that yarn is being knit into lots of baby hats and booties and that fabric is being used for bibs, blankets, and pants.  And yes I suppose you have a right to think I am totally baby crazy....but baby projects are so quick and simple... they are just so hard to resist.