Monday, November 28, 2011

the next few weeks...

I suspect my ability to keep up with the blog has been dwindling this past week and may do so even more leading up to D-day (and the weeks that follow).  I am going to try to the best of my ability to post a picture or two a day this week, mainly because I know my Grandma looks every day - and I don't want to disappoint!

2 of my favorite things:

 watching isabelle enjoy these toy horses as much as i did when i was younger

and the gap between her two front teeth

I can't believe it is only a week until my expected due date ( just sounds crazy typing those words).  Currently I still feel good, sleeping is a bit uncomfortable and I continue to have braxton hix contractions through out the day.  I feel, in many ways, like this is my first time being pregnant.  With Isabelle I was induced 4 days prior to my due date because my stomach "wasn't growing" according to the 4 different doctors that measured me on different dates....(sigh).  I don't really know what to expect as far as what it will feel like to start labor...I do remember labor and contractions quite well...just the beginning and progression of my labor was completely artificial the first time around (cervidil, pitocin, epidural...etc).  I suppose I am most excited to just call Aaron or wake him up in the middle of the night and say those epic words..."i think it's time!".

But for now we wait and enjoy the last few days of just the three of us...

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