Friday, March 9, 2012

longer days

It's happening, slowly, but it is happening.  The days are getting longer, ice fishing shacks are being hauled off the lake, grass is poking through the snow, and mud is being tracked through the house.  Soon enough spring will be upon us but for now (or at least yesterday anyways) we enjoyed the winter scenes.

aaron found a surprise set of hand me down kids sized skis by his desk a few days ago

Owen bundled up and tucked into the carrier

a few more sled rides

signs of spring

I don't want to jinx is only March and we are in New more snow could be on the way (actually it is snowing right now).  But with this so far "winter" I am not so convinced that we will be sledding again this year.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Judy M........March 12, 2012 at 6:19 PM

    Hi Caitlyn, great pix as always! If you are not familiar, thought you might be interested in Kristin Nicholas and her husband run a working sheep farm, have a child, she's published several knitting books, on Ravelry,has workshops at her home, etc.
