Saturday, April 7, 2012

eggs falling from the sky


Yesterday Isabelle, Owen and I headed to Newport NH for a spectacular easter egg hunt.  And what may you ask made it soooo special?....The eggs literally fell from the sky!  Four small planes flew over a huge field and dropped buckets and buckets of eggs!  It was pretty neat -probably a huge waste of fuel...- but we had fun regardless!

plane carrying eggs!

Isabelle filling up her basket 

and likely what we both feared the most...she "won a special prize"

It wasn't too bad...the eggs didn't contain any candy (we had a huge work up talk about how the sugar sprite would be paying us a visit after this egg hunt...isabelle was stoked about the whole thing...she asked after if the sugar sprite would take easter erasers....).  And Isabelle really didn't want to go collect her "special prize" from the easter so many words she said if I wanted to then I should go do it...and well since I have NEVER gotten a ticket in any of my easter eggs I dragged her behind me to collect the goods.  A disappointing pink rabbit was the prize...  both of us decided we could donate it to someone who doesn't have as many toys as she does.

Anyways, we will be heading down to RI shortly to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.  Happy Easter...Spring...the weekend...whatever you want to celebrate...we hope you just enjoy it!


  1. That last picture...with the giant rabbit in the back and Isabelle's face, is classic!

  2. hahah I know can just see her thinking..."seriously mama...i have to get close to the easter bunny..."
